Sorry guys..not a bowkill but I needed to put something on the ground lol Shot her Saturday around 9:15 am with the smokepole. Me and my fiance were hunting a double ladder stand and two does came in and I said "shoot one" so he shot the one closest to us and she ran about 20 yards and bedded and the other ran out to bout 50 yards and stopped. I told him "oh i might as well shoot that one!" put the sights on her and BOOM! Both deer took off and ended up about 60 yards from us laying 40 yards apart.... probably one of my favorite hunts and it was only his second deer ever
Saw some does and small bucks out again this afternoon after school....congrats on the does Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Another dead weekend for me. Got out Saturday afternoon and saw nothing. Will be out again Saturday morning.
What's up fella's!?? Going away for a couple days out west soon...farmer called and said the corn is down now and that he seen a "hell of a lot of deer!" good times coming soon! Good luck to you guys!!
Shot a doe last night hit her a little far back going in to get her soon Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Followed her on little blood all morning when i finally found where she died there was only some hair the coyotes at the entire deer and carried it away....luckly the season is still young and i can try to get another doe down soon Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Damn dude that sucks sounds about as bad as the yotes around here Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
That sucks! I drew a coyote this morning but couldnget a clear shot. It was a beauty too! Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Sucks about your doe Drag n Brag! Bob I'm hoping you get one soon man!!! I will be heading out west Thursday night and will be there for a few days. In a couple of spots I have 3G, so I'll come to you guys live!
It's been raining the past couple of days just starting to clear up so I'm going out in the morning for a few hours. The spot I'm going to is crawling with deer ticks and deer. Every time I go there I get covered with ticks. Someone told me about a product that you spray on your clothes. It's supposed to keep the ticks off. I'll let you know tomorrow.
Well instead of being en route to the huntin property out west, I'm hunting with my buddy on his farm!! Leaving tomorrow morning at 3 for a weekend jam packed with hunting! Oh baby!!!!
Good luck. I'm hoping to make it out this weekend I might just have to call in sick to work tomorrow Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
I went out this morning as I said I would. I saw two doe, one was too far for a shot the other passed right under my stand but I let it go. I thought it was too small right now. It's only the first week.
Buck down gents.. I'll give the scoop in the am. Not a giant.. maybe 125ish.. I use to pass bucks like this but I tell you this self filming stuff makes you edgy all the time.. too much going on to just concentrate on the deer. I'm getting better but still way off.. I guess only time will heal these spasms.