Sure wish it would cool down here to is 91 in Kansas and it sucks Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
congrats mike and DBB happy you guys put down some does. wish i was out hunting too. only 11 more days
Check out the covert brand, they seem to take good pics and are well within your price range. Ive heard their customer service is great if you need them. You may want to PM Pat, i know he runs several coverts but i dont know which model and he seems to really like them. If i was looking for a cam to help take inventory of whats on my hunting property in the price range you said, the covert brand would be at the top of the list.
Thank you but I didn't do anything but enjoy your hunt by proxy. Now where's the pictures???? LOL Don't forget to submit them to the site first.
Awesome! I hope I don't offend you but on the score card, I like the picture of the bowhunter before you. LOL
Good job guys. Only 300points behind the leaders now. Here is where I am right now and what I'm struggling with... Last year I had my stand up at A labeled on this map. Years ago the brown patch beside A was a corn field. No corn is grown there any more and is an open field. I saw 0 deer up there last year, my best guess on this is because there was so much food in the woods they didn't have to come into the open. As you can see it was a hell of a haul to hike up there. This year, frustrated with hiking up the mountain and not seeing any deer I decided to move my stand down to the bottom. It is now located at H. i was very excited for this spot because there was lots of deer movement sign. Several trails and fruit trees for early season. Well as you saw from my pictures, the only buck frequenting that area was a freak and 2-3 does. So again, I'm frustrated with stand placement. This year, the mast seems a lot lower and it fields are more attractive to deer. Contemplating moving my stand back up to the field or building a ground blind up there. Other notes of interest: I now have my camera up near E on a heavily beaten path to try and see whats traveling up there. My friend has built a ground blind at F and has pictures of anywhere from 4-6 different doe. No buck. Guy who owns the land to the East has a stand on the finger directly east of G. Claims he saw 2 different buck opening day. As far as food sources, I don't really know what I'm looking for. Scattered through the woods are oak trees, there is no agriculture around. map by MMeador, on Flickr If you can make any sense of what I just typed, please feel free to provide any input.
Well, went out this evening...and man was it warm. Didn't see a single deer! Was filming a buddy of mine and everything but the weather was perfect. At basically last light a coyote pup came in at what he thought was 30 yards and he shot right over its back. Turned out to be barely over 20 yards. To his defense, there was a lot of brush on the trail he was coming down, but oh well. It was on film though, so we had to watch it a few times and drown our sorrows! Probably wont be doing too much hunting this weekend, bachelor party Saturday all day, and im sure I wont be able to sit in a tree its just too damn warm. Is anyone getting decent weather??
I can see my breath tonight but the season still doesn't open until the 17th. Checking another spot out this week end going to put the camera in there.
It is really cold here. We have been getting a frost every night for the last four days. But i still cant hunt for another 8 days. The 15th cant come soon enough