With all the rain we had this year, I need to change my hunting location. Years past we would be in a drought so alot of deer would be gathered in my area next to a stream. This year we have a surplus of rain so I am guessing the deer are higher in the hills. Didn't see anything today and sign was extremely discouraging.
Only 13 more days and still getting lots of pics of the nine point ... Hopefully he hangs around a little longer Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
I broke down and got my first trailcam this past week end. My first pictures (4)out of it are white screens. I think I've got it figured out though. I'm going to put it back in the woods this afternoon.
I didn't make it out this weekend. I had back spasms all weekend, no way I could have climbed or drawn my bow. Feeling a little better, I'm planning on my first time out this evening. My son hunted last night and had a nice 10pt come in to 20 yards. We had been watching this buck alot this summer, long brows, couple of kickers, a good buck. My son said he kept his composure, went to draw, the buck saw him and ran off LOL. I swear, this kid comes by his luck honestly, must be a family tradition lol. I'm going to let that stand cool for a few days and try it again this weekend if the conditions are right.
BBM I know what you are swaying. I can't tell you how many times I've been spotted. I try to find trees with cover and go up nose bleed high and still get spotted. I don't know how these guy's go up with a camera man and whisper back and forth and don't get busted. It just ain't fair I tell you.
Whats up fellas! Got home at 530 am this morning, just in time for work! This weekend really sucked for me, seen a total of 3 deer, and the closest was 75 yards. Seen 4 coyotes and the only one that was close enough, wouldnt stop. Farmers all around me were doing work all weekend! No work tomorrow though, so I'll be in a little spot by the house. Good luck guys!
What's up dudes and dudette? Just wanted to let my team on a little secret as I secured another 50 points last night with a BIG ole public land doe. Took her in the middle of one of the country's deepest bogs.. kinda an eerie place to hunt truthfully. Also filmed a nice 125ish buck the same night about 90 yards away.. he was nice.. but still needs another year to grow I think. I'll post the pics in the scorecard momentarily. Hope ya'll are on them deer! Just an FYI - the doe I took had black Hocks.
"Just an FYI - the doe I took had black Hocks." Thats awesome...most likely due to secretions emitted from the tarsal gland where urine has ran over them, or so I've heard.
Great job on the doe Mike! I went out again tonight and had a doe at 10 yards, if my hunting partner didnt have to work at 1 am she would of taken a dirt nap. I'll be back in the stand tomorrow afternoon!
Yup! How did you know? I think the IR flash is washing out the picture. I'm an machinist so I think I'm going to make a little extension for the lens.
I'm in the stand right now, just shot a doe at 43 and the hit was too freaking low!!! She trotted off a ways and I could her stuff just hanging out, about the size of a watermelon...not sure if I should expect a dead deer or not
Hope she bleeds out quick for ya or just lays over. Good luck keep us posted Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Well Im sitting at a restaurant eating some good breakfast to give the deer time, found a lot of blood then ended up bumping her... So we'll see what happens... Im sure I'll find her.... Bobs been getting texts all morning from me... Im freaking out
Thats a common problem with those cameras. Return it and get something else. If you can tell me what you want in a camera i can steer you towards a good reliable one.