Ihunt over on team 27 got a nice buck 151 score. I've been thinking the season opens here Oct. 16th it's worse it's the 17th. LOL I like 61 degrees Tekel. I think you are going to get a shot! Hey Cappy sounds like you are ready!
Yeah it's a nice buck! Tekel, when I seen the weather for my area was a high of 59 for Saturday, I got pumped!! Low is 39! I would go out man!!
Congrats leadoperator on the doe.. and hope that buck and you meet soon. Illinois opens Saturday peeps!
I'm gettin stoke for opening day! Weather is now high of 44! But now there is a chance of rain... Hopefully the huge pine tree I'm in will keep me dry.
I'm hitting the woods Sunday evening. My son will be going all weekend, trying for his first archery deer. I've spent a few evenings glassing and checked the stands. Bow is tuned and dialed in, its almost go time.
Thought I'd share this with my teammates. I got my first (and probably only) tat last week in honor of my dad. We hunted together for 25 years before he passed away last year. Hoping he brings me some luck this year.
Nice tat bbm, sorry for the loss. It looks like 24 hours from now, I should be up a tree waiting for sunrise. Supposed to be high of 50 with a 60% chance of rain. Don't know how long I'll be out.
Guess I'm ready for tomorrow... It's raining right now.and.still expected to in 6hrs when I plan on being in stand. Bought a tree stand umbrella today to see if that will help. Gonna be interesting setting that thing up in the dark in the rain for the first time
Tekel do you have a rain suit? At least a poncho that's what I use. Been there though. Best of luck in the morning.
Had an unsuccessful day. Was windy and rainy all day. Froze and didn't see or hear the first signs of a deer. Oh and make sure to check out my thread I posted "the freak" and see what has become of my only buck I got on camera. I believe I might relocate my stand. Or build a ground blind where I have seen some other signs.