seems like my luck continues to get worse. I had a stand stolen from the kid that owns the neighboring property. but on the bright side i have found a nice rub line and a few scrapes on the property where the big nine is living. I will most likely hang a stand there tomorrow or next weekend at the latest.
yea i know who stole it. He is the kid that owns the neighboring property. I will be talking to him today about it. He did this to my friend who also hunts this property two years ago.
Gents and ladi, Just got back from a week adventure in Colorado chasing non-bugling elk. Had a blast though walking those mountains and climbing up to about 11,000 feet. What a view! The elk were just too quiet all week except the last 24 hours of course but it didn't matter because we were heading home. Oh well- loved it. I see no one shot anything while I was away but hope the best for each one of you who are already chasing. Good luck!
Not really much to tell with this 1. I got set this morning about 6:15 on the north end of the shelterbelt with a quarter section of corn in front of it, she came from east at about 9:15, stopped at 11 yards and i unleashed 1 of my rage broadheads that i wanna use up. She did the classic half circle death run and tipped over about 50 yards away. These SE winds kept my hunting partner and i out of our best spots ( so the cameras say anyway) but there are north winds in the forecast so it could get interesting this week. A little eye candy for ya. Good luck everyone.
Wow, thats a heck of a buck on there! Got out again today and just ran in and checked my cam. Finally got a picture of a deer!! And its a buck! The property I hunt is surrounded by other property that is heavily hunted and so deer don't grow too big. Go out on the first day of rifle season and it sounds like chinese new year. I check the came and saw there were only 9 pictures and was frustrated because I figured it was only shots of me setting it up and walking up to check it. Ended up with actual pictures of a deer finally. You have a good broad side of his body but you can't see his head. because he is grubbing on the apples. He is a small from what I can tell 6 pointer if he is typical. My guess on age is 2? I know nothing about aging so would love some input from people with more experience. Here are 2 of the 3 shots it got of him In this first one you can see the size of his right rack. HUNT0008 by MMeador, on Flickr In this one you can see 3 points on that side. HUNT0007 by MMeador, on Flickr
I live near a military installation. It's open range but you still have to apply to get onto it. Nice doe lead. Final week of prep.
lead, thats a super nice buck. I hope you get a chance to shoot him. Tekel, im happy to hear your finally getting some pics, looks like a nice buck to me.