Well opening day was just another opening day seen some does with fawns and some turkeys still to warm there moving late here had 10 deer in the yard Sunday night at 2am so no wonder I didn't see many Mon morning Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
I would have takin her in a heartbeat if she came in alone but not with a fawn with her. I shot one a few years back that had a fawn with her and when I got down and went to start the gutting process the doe came back in to the site about 20 feet from me till I shood it off since then no more deer with fawns for me. Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Well boys...mock scrapes are down, trail cams are back up. Had a lot of does on them, the big body of a buck, and about 20 pix of horses. You can count on me for a doe for sure come opening weekend!
Hey draw back good luck. Have fun hunting with horses as I to have to hunt around them. Nothin gets the heart goin in the stand when u hear a limb snap behind u in the dark morning thinking here he comes then get let down because its only a horse lol. Finally was able to keep them out of my corn. Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
We'll have to check! Do horses count for points? LOL Jake that's got to suck! Have you ever had a human come into your stand and not know you are there? I had a guy eat a sandwich under me and never knew I was above him. I never know what to do in those circumstances.
I guess I did not check in soon enought to be on this team, Sorry boys i was out hunting. Good Luck in your hunting this year.
I'm beginning to think my cam only likes taking pictures of me... I had it out for a week with a bushel of apples spread out on the ground about 10ft in front of it. Went and checked it on Saturday and not a single picture other than of me setting it up and walking up to check it . Every apple in the area was gone and there was fresh. VERY fresh doe poop on the ground right around it. Unfortunately that trip into the woods I forgot my apples. I moved my camera to a tree closer to the area where natural apples fall and where I would normally dump apples. I went back out yesterday to check the cam again since it is getting closer to season and I don't want to be around the area next week. About 2ft in front of and 1ft outside of the cameras range there was a nice pile of buck poop. I was all like lets see how big this bad boy is!!! Open up the camera, pop my card in my laptop and what do you know... only pictures of me again haha. At least I know there are deer moving in that area since there were fresh prints and fresh poo. They must be camera shy... i put new batteries in the cam and dumped out a fresh bushel of apples ranging from 2ft to 8ft from my camera. So I KNOW that if something eats those apples they will end up on camera I guess the only good part of all this is the apples don't cost me anything. I have 6 different trees in my yard and almost all of them go to waste. Patiently waiting on Oct. 1. I plan on being in the stand all day.
It can get pretty discouraging huh. I haven't got a trail cam so you have to get this perfected so you can help me when I do get one.
Received my permit to hunt my honey hole in the mail yesterday. Can't get access into it until the first day. Always see good buck in this area, just never close enough for a clean shot
Ron what's the permit all about? I still have three weeks. I guess I can do more scouting in different areas. October 8th I have to see about getting a doe permit. My bow is all tuned in, I put a dropaway rest on it. It's real sweet! Got some arrows I need to refletch. Oops got to get my archery stamp. Just thinking.
No hunting for me this weekend. Heading to Milwaukee to spend some time with the family. Good luck to all you out there!
Dan had me all excited! I saw his name on the score card string and thought he got one but he was just chewing some butt. LOL I went to Bass Pro today during my lunch half hour at work. I spent $70 on fletching and glue! The feathers only come in 50 packs at $30 bucks a pack. I got barred, yellow and orange and $10 for glue. I won't have to buy them for a while I guess. I've been using vanes but I really like feathers so I figured why not! I have three arrows that are about thirty years old with the original feathers still on them. They are the aluminum Autumn Orange XX75's and they are an awesome arrow! Good luck this week end guy's n gal and take lot's of picture's. :0)