Yeah, not knowing and hunting for a ghost would have sucked.....but you wouldn't have known it! At least you found out and aren't wasting time looking for him. Had close to the same thing happen a couple of times to me as well. Not vehicle kills, but from other hunters just before I was able to start hunting those deer. This first buck I was planning on hunting late season a few years ago. I had run ins with him the previous two years, but he had already shed when I saw him. Gun season, the neighbor kills him. Then, two years ago, I came home from Canada in October to hunt the next buck. We had pics of him the previous year and knew he was still alive. On my way home, my brother called me and said he saw a dude on the Brag Board for the local news with him. Bastard shot Browser just before I got home. We've got some decent genetics around our cabin. Hopefully I can kill one of the slobs here this that I actually am able to hunt the property more.
Dan that one deer has a severe overbite lol Heading back out to the woods in a few, actually still hunted within 30 yards of 2 nice shooters last night. Really windy and the nearby train about 70 yards from me provided excellent noise cover on the dry leaves and sticks. Got to where they werent looking and popped my bow and self around the tree to draw and they just walked down a little hill out of range. Still a great hunt. never thought i would get that close without them spotting me lol Try try again!!!
checked my cams, theres a couple prospects in the bunch.
Got out today to finish cutting my shooting lanes and check my cam. All the apples I put out were gone and 2 fresh piles left from doe. I was stoke to see hundreds of pictures... Camera had 6 pictures from the week. No clue why. Sucks! I moved it some and will go back out on Wednesday to see if anything happened. I know there are deer, let's hope I cam get some pics! Sent from my PB99400 using Tapatalk
I took 3 pics the first one was out of focus. I HAD to be home by 6:15 am and we left North Dakota right after we took pics and cleaned her up and finished packing everything up at 11. I made it home at 6 am after driving straight through so my wife would not kill me for not being home in time to take care of my two kids. I do have video of it also, if that helps.
Tom it really doesn't matter to me you got the deer not I, it just looked like the same picture. After looking closer I can see it's not, but you have to admit, you have to look close to tell it's not the same picture.
I looked at those pictures too, and yes they are pretty much the same. It's just too simple to take two different pictures. He just double-tapped the camera basically...all he had to do was get another angle, would've taken an extra 5 seconds. Its so simple its stupid. None the less, he killed a doe. Congrats to him, and cant wait to see the video.
hey guys i just got off the phone with the landowner of my best property and i lost permission to hunt there. He actually but his stands about 20 yards from where mine were. hopefully i can still find a place to hunt in the next few weeks.
Dang dude that's sucks when u lose permission to land so close to season. Good luck on finding some new land. Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Man does that sound familiar!! Sorry to hear! Same thing happened to me almost two weeks ago. I found a couple of places to go now though, and one is damn good. Just bust your ass and start asking around. Go door to door, thats eventually what I did, and it worked. Good luck brother.
8hours left and counting till I'm in the stand to kick off 2011 gunna be a long night Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Slow weekend. Got to the cabin on Saturday morning and my fear was confirmed, our 6 acre bean field froze. I decided to sit over it Saturday evening anyways, just to see, but only saw a doe and fawn. It was raining too much yesterday, so I didn't go out. Unless I can sneak away for an afternoon this week, I'll be out of the woods until next week sometime. Jill and I are taking the kids to the Milwaukee Zoo this weekend and visiting family. Good luck to everyone else out there!
Batteries finally died on trail cam, I havn't changed them since late march. Out of the 4000 pictures from the last two weeks that I did get, no bucks. I did get a pic of these guys though.
I highly doubt it. Just not enough time this year. The only way would be if I tagged out in both Ontario and WI by October 31. Even then, doubtful.
Hi Team, Sorry for the late check in. I have been hunting out west. Here is a photo of a speed goat I shot in Bill Wy.