I just checked my camera at the honey hole and nothing on the card. I will be going out xmas day afternoon at another spot.
Well, with only 3 days left in my season here in Michigan, I've been out after work on a local plot of land. Haven't seen much, but had 3 does come in at last light Wednesday Night. Passed on a 15 yard shot because it was to dark. Hoping to get back out tonight and saturday. Snow coming tonight and hopfully sunday (last day of the season). Good Luck, and can't wait to see the buck rizzo!
Buck entered. It seemed like a 90-95" buck to me, but apparently the mass helped out the total. Tony, I want to thank you for the texts yesterday. My buddies wife had downloaded all of their Hawaii pics, gone to Target to print some of the Hawaii pics and was going to delete the SD card when she got home!!! If I would have driven over to their house versus calling she would have formatted the entire SD card and my pics. Luckily, they were still at Target when I called him. This was not one of the bucks I was after this season, but our team needed some points and my family needed some more meat. I would have taken a doe, but I have not had the opportunity at a doe since the one I tagged in September. In one way I am dissappointed taking this 2.5 year old out of the herd, but then again he had a nice-sized body and those back straps are going to be scrumptious!! Happy New Year everyone.
Way to go Rizzo. There are no deductions in the contest so you'll get credit for you 100 inches. I tried to get it done the last 3 days in Minnesota but i just couldn't get a doe to cooperate. Normally this time of year witha foot of snow on the ground is a slam dunk for a doe but 40 degrees and not a flake of snow doesnt help.
Excellent job Rizzo!! Whether we win or not, it's been a great year and a wonderful experience sharing this season with you guys. Thank you all. Happy New Year to everyone
Yes it has been great to be on this team. It's been a very strange season for me. I've only seen 2 bucks within 40 yards the whole season, even during gun i only show does. Next year we are going to head into spring with a better game plan and get a foodplot planted as well as some cover corn. Lets hope we can do this again next year!
Congrats Rizzo on your buck. I have one week left here in WI to try and put a buck down. Thankfully we finally got some snow so that should help.