Hopefully it will go crazy this week. Didnt hunt much myself last week, worked at getting my son his first buck. I will be out Wednesday through Sunday this week. Good luck to everyone hunting this week.
Tired of the same old setups and battling the deer in the corn. I am setting up some sticks and a stand closer to where these bastards are hanging during the day.
Man, team 6 is only a couple points behind us now after FEB shot that big buck. They really came out of nowhere lol
OK..........I just left something rather similiar to that design on the pumpkin in the toilet about 45 minutes ago. Dang, Mexican food. Great news Team 27! I finally saw a deer while in stand in IL last evening. It was a small basket-racked 8 similiar to the one Rory posted a pick of recently. I am finally re-energized. These are two of the better bucks that I have on camera from a new piece of property that I have access to this season. The deer I saw last night was not on this property!!! The only problem is that nearly every single pic I have of a deer is at night. The only one I have daytime pics for is a nubbin fawn buck. There is also a bunch of decent 8-10 pointers making their rounds on this property. It is not an easy piece of land to hunt. It is a rectangular field with NO forest other than the tree lines. Not to mention all of the corn is still in. One side is a nursery that a member of BH.com has access to and the other side is conservation land.
I got a feeling we're going to put down some antler this weekend.. We need to build our points back up
I had a Six point with a decent rack come through tonight. Hopefully the big boys start moving! The does have all but disappeared, hopefully I get a crack at one soon. They did start harvesting the corn today, I stopped to help the Farmer put a new belt on his combine since he was alone.
Dang tom, that looks like a beast! was suppose to be hunting all day tomorrow, but got called in to work for some client management. Might make it out tomorrow night, but that will be it, as i get my little girl all day Saturday, as the wife is away for the day with friends. So next time i make it out will be next weekend. But we had good movement tonight. 5 bucks, but biggest was a small 6. Finally the farmers are cutting the corn, so that i'm sure helped with the movement. Good luck to those that are hunting this weekend!
Tom, that is a true stud right there. Getting out of work early tonight to hunt. Unfortunately, the wind prediction is not in my favor so I am hoping that the wind dies down a little so I can get into my stand without being detected. Good luck everyone. The points will come....we are only a 1/3 into bow season!!
That is a stud of a buck...the pic itself is pretty awesome. Good luck guys...let's put some more points on the board
Mr. Lester, kill that bad boy!!!!!!!!!!! Last night I laid eyes on a buck that I heard was traveling through our property. Too bad he was 80 yards East of me Things are picking up, took tonight off to keep the wife happy but I will be back out looking for a doe in the morning and hopefully a buck if the morning goes well.
I had four does within 40 yards on either side of me yesterday but didn't like the shots presented. Tomorrow is looking good for 50 points