Well Tomorrow morning, hitting a new location. It's closer to home than my grandparents farm where i normally hunt (will be out there Saturday and Sunday). Really excited to get out and see what the morning will hold. My dad took a monster 6 point out last year, so here's to hoping another dandy get's dropped. let you guys know more tomorrow afternoon.
Good luck guys...I will be hunting a buck's bed Saturday morning. The weather is going to be perfect and I have high hopes.
Any luck Jason? Trying out some public land this weekend with a buddy. Leaving school somewhere around 930 tomorrow, scouting, then hunting the evening. I'll be hunting all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. Then next week it's back to the private ground :D
It was dead. Might have to hit the other side of the property in the morning but that is a mile and a half walk....
Can't believe I have 3G here. Buddy climbed up about 345 and has seen 2 does already with no shot opps. No deer for me yet I'm overlooking about 75 acres off beans with trails coming into them from all around me
Had a little 4 pointer come stand about 12 yards from me. Had no idea I was there. He walked completely around my stand and finally disappeared. If he woulda been a shooter, he woulda been on the ground. Oh well, I know they're there. On a good note, my little brother got a nice doe this morning about 1/3 fo a mile across the property. 118 lbs dressed
Good luck this weekend guys. I had a pretty interesting day yesterday. My buddy that has been filming with me asked me to come check cameras with him on his number one hunting spot. We were driving a Yamaha Rhino through a pasture, and we got to a spot to build a blind, and there was smoke coming out from under the bed of it. I flipped the bed up and there was a small fire going from all the grass buildup on the skid plate, so we put that out real quick. We finished building the blind, then looked over the hill and saw smoke coming from where we first checked a camera. We ran up there to see a pretty big blaze going. My buddy called the fire department and ran around telling the neighbors, all the while I was trying my best to stomp out whatever I could. It ended up burning around 25 acres of bedding area/ scrub brush and cedars. Talk about burning out a stand!
Here's a picture of the little 8 that I passed the other night. He keeps showing up on trail camera during the day, even during the summer months. Hopefully he's on that pattern in a couple years too lol
Just had a doe at 40 yardd but would't come into a shooting lane. At least the activity is picking up. I need to rule the air with more than my vzw android....
Man I had a great 2 days out in western Wi even though I hadnt put anything down. I seen a lot of small bucks and a few does. I will be posting some video up on my facebook page shortly. http://www.facebook.com/#!/TONY.PEAKRUT.FRALEY
Closest I came to killing this weekend was yesterday evening a doe that didn't pass through a clear lane. My buddy smoked a button buck Friday evening so that cut my hunt short that evening by about an hour. Not sure if I'm going out Monday or Wednesday, but Friday the forecast looks AWESOME. I'll be out all weekend again.
Sounds like everybody got close this weekend, its bound to happen anytime now I will probably go out this afternoon and try for another doe. I need some more meat, I gave the last doe to my girlfriend's dad for his birthday
No luck for me this weekend either. I saw more hunters bordering the property (3 bow hunters; 2 waterfowl hunters) than I saw deer (zero). Will have a SE wind Tuesday so will try to sneak out that AM or PM for a sit on the small parcel of land where Cyclops has been seen on camera. Have not hunted it since 10/1 waiting again for the perfect wind direction. My cameras are showing a lot of bucks with their noses to the ground shortly after does pass. I am NOT saying the rut is here, but the searching phase seems to be close here in N. IL If only I could get an actual day time picture I would be happy! Good luck guys!