Funny man! I know there are some around, but those bucks are not walking around the backyards like the 1.5 yr old bucks and does. Work is still really busy so not sure when I'll get a chance to get out there when it is actually daylight. In fact, I should not even be on right now...I have patients to treat!
Tom, I was thinking the same thing! we got a great jump on things guys, lets keep the steam rolling. I personally might go out friday morning to a spot i have permission to hunt with my dad, but have not set foot in there this year. The land owner went out for early doe season and saw 4 or 5 bucks.. i'm not sure how big and what time of day they are moving, but might try a morning sit. Then Friday night will be out to the farm where i shot my doe. Hoping to catch a hit lister passing through.
I won't be able to get out at all this week or weekend due to school, being sick, and work. Going to try to go on Monday though.
I got a good stand for does that I'm gonna try to hunt Friday morning. Saturday morning will likely be stand that is more geared for Bucks since the other two guy that might be out will be on the other side of the property.
Good luck Jason! I probably won't be out until Friday morning myself, I have a microbiology lab exam Thursday afternoon . My best chance for a doe wil probably be in the afternoon on Friday however.
It looks like my next opportunity to get out bow hunting will be a week from today. This weekend is jam-packed with work and family obligations, which I am glad are scheduled for now versus later this month thru turkey day. Best of luck to ya'll. I've got a few cameras out on a piece of property I've never hunted just to get an idea at quantity, quality and deer movements. I did come across a very impressive fresh rub that is on a 6-8" diameter tree running from knee-high to chest high on me (six foot tall).
Good luck Tony! I dont know if I will get out until Monday now, they are stacking up the exams on me. I might go out this weekend just to get out, I haven't been hunting since I shot my buck. Im getting withdrawals
3 nice Doe's came by about 7AM this morning but they were to far out for a shot. Things are looking up this season already.
I hunted the last two and a half days and have nothing to show for it! Rrrrrr Two farms I hunt went from alfalfa the last 4-5 years to a mixture of beans and alfalfa this year. I didnt think it would change much but the deer have very different patterns this year and I obviously don't have them figured out yet. Back to it!
Team I would like to share 'SHOOTER' with you that I retrieved off me cam this morning. I am going to back out of this small piece of property and wait closer to the end of the month and hopefully cath him leaving bed early or coming back to bed late. I sure hope I get a wack at him.
That's a real nice buck Tony! Gonna get out tomorrow afternoon to either celebrate how good I did on my 9 AM exam, or to get my mind off of how bad I did on it :D. Got a good wind for a couple different spots so we'll see.
Thats a horse of a deer. Now it just got easier to sit out there a little longer, when your cold and tired, knowing he has a chance to come by!
Tony, thats a real nice buck. Good luck on putting an arrow through him! Rory- Im in the same situation, I have a microbiology exam tomorrow and a HACCP exam right after that Good luck on both!
Tony, nice deer. I hope you not only see him while in the stand, but get a chance at tagging him also. If you need help Killing him we are here for you!!! Seriously, best of luck. As expected I was unable to get out last week or this weekend. Lookin' forward to bowhunting Wed afternoon as that is my next opportunity. They are calling for rain and I don't frickin care...I will still be out there! Mike
I am going to check cameras in the morning. I am not sure if I am hunting tomorrow night since it will be to hot. But I will be in the stand by a mock scrape Tuesday morning.