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Official Team 21 Thread

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by SparrowHawk, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
    Lots of scrapes showing up here in MI now. I set a cam over one of them with some buck piss hoping to see whats in my neck of the woods. This is the first year I have used cameras so I'm looking forward to getting some decent pictures.The corn still isn't cut here and I'm telling you I don't see much when it's standing. Where I hunt is a nice piece of hardwoods but it is completely surrounded by corn. I just feel like the majority of deer right now are bedding in the corn , hanging out in there, and just using it to funnel to where they need to go. Going out in the AM, I have seen the majority of deer coming from corn in the morning. I have seen more young bucks then does this year also. Good Luck all!!
  2. rbhunting1

    rbhunting1 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Gentry, AR
    Hey, guys. I was out friday morning and saw five. Three big does, a fawn, and a nice 8 pt. Right as I thought I was going to get an opportunity at the largest doe, the wind swirled and hit me in the back of the neck. We'll you know to the rest of that story. I have'nt been out since. I've been fighting a migrane and spent a few hours in the ER sat night.
    I have posted a few pic of some decent bucks on here, but none of them have been over a main frame 8. I fact,I have never killed one with more than 8 pts. I just have'nt been able to get over that 8 pt hump. Halloween night, I got another 8 on camera. First time pic for him. He's not wide but has long G-2's. I would like to give him another year.


    This morning, I pulled my card and was shocked. I got this pic of ANOTHER BUCK that I hadn't seen before. They are starting to cruise. He's a main framed 10 with extra points on his browtines. What do you guys think? I haven't sat down to figure up what this one might score. He's a definite shooter!


  3. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Good stuff rb! That second one is a shooter for sure - for me anyhow! I personally would pass the first one as well. Good looking deer though, at least you know you have some decent ones around!

    Went out Sat morning - took my son M/L hunting hoping he could get one. We didn't see squat. Windy and warm...stayed till about 11, it stunk. I can't remember the last opener of M/L that we didn't have multiple opportunities. We had a good time, but not quite what I hoped for. I was so disgusted with how slow it was, plus it was 74 by 2pm....that I didn't even go out that evening bowhunting. I went trick or treating.

    I sure hope it picks up soon here...its as dead as can be right now. Hoping the moon and cooler temps kick it in. First 2 weeks of Nov have always been VERY busy in the woods here. I've seen as many as 10+ bucks at times on one sit. Hoping that happens soon. Gonna head out a couple mornings this week I hope, evenings are out. That's ok...mornings are typically better here.

    Good luck guys...I know someone is gonna lay one down soon!!!

  4. mcorso

    mcorso Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Hey guys, made it out today after work, and right at about 510 pm, a buck came cruising straight to me, his tail was up with the tip bent down, rubbing trees as he passed them, I watched his threw the bino's till he got within 70 yards then hoped to get a shot, I never got one, he got within 50 yards but the cover was to thick,and when he approach a lane, he went right instead of left! was great evening though, since ive been out of the woods for a few weeks, but im hearing that lot of deer movement, hope I make this weekend count!
  5. rbhunting1

    rbhunting1 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Gentry, AR
    I plan on getting about a hour and a half of sleep. Then try to head out and get a chance at the big one. On my way home I saw a big ten with a doe. It's starting to really heat up around here.

    Good luck to all of you!
  6. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    SH scored!!!! Great job SH...can't wait to hear the details!

    I went out this morning...what a beautiful morning - I was pumped. 30deg, no wind, sunny.... didn't see squat. Very frustrating!!! I don't understand what the heck is going on...I guess the moon must have em messed up. I'm not sure I've EVER sat 2 sits in a row in Nov and not seen anything here. Typically I will see a couple groups of deer every sit. Heck, I didn't even HEAR one today and the leaves were like potato chips. That's ok...I know its on the way. I predict next week will be a good one.

    Ok, our 1 man short team has 2 down now, good stuff! Hopefully the rest of us can contribute! I need to at least get my 50 points on the board for a nanny...thought I would have by now.

    Good luck guys...
  7. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
  8. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
    and ya its some BS that we are a man short, everybody PM Justin and demand that we get one more member to jump aboard!
  9. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Between you and I we have pm'd him a bunch, and never even gotten a response. Sorry way to run a contest if you ask me. If you can't find the time to do it right, have someone else do it. Looks like its just us 7...

    Here is SH's buck...and its a dang nice one! Looks to be about as perfect as can be, and my guess is 110-115"? Good sized deer too it looks...did you weigh him? Whatever he scores, it awesome!!! Congrats again, and way to get our team on the board with a buck! Oh, and can you send some luck down this way soon? :D

  10. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
    I agree with ya Mike, I have tried scoring him but I'm very inexperienced. I came up with like 119 gross, I think he is just a tad shy of P & Y. but he is a hell of a deer for my area. I actually had to pull my card out of my trail camera to use it for my digital camera. I have had a camera over a scrape for maybe a week and when I check the picture from a few nights ago (time is actually an hour before due to daylight savings so 7:00pm) look who shows up. Pretty sure its the same deer.

    It's my first year using cameras and I shot this buck before my camera even gave me a sneak peak of him lol. To good to be true, any guess on age? I'm going to say at 3.5
  11. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Yeah, I'd say its the same buck. Cool that you got a pic of him...and now you have him!

    If you need help scoring your deer, pm me. I can score em good....just can't seem to kill em! LOL

    119" is probably darn close...he's right in that range I'd say. Hard to tell exactly from a photo. Good enough, that is for sure!!! I agree, prob 3.5
  12. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
    My 10pt went 127" gross.... and I got him at just a tad over 125" Net.. Looks like he will shrink a little and I will just miss P & Y:rolleyes:

    How has hunting been going for everyone, seems like me and Mike are the only guys chatting on the team forum, where is everyone at?!
  13. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Good job SH! 127" that is awesome, I didn't think he'd make that much. Congrats! Its always hard to tell on a pic. Looks like its got pretty good mass, and boy is it even. Sweet! Getting him mounted?

    I went this guys are gonna be mad. I let a doe walk at 10yds. Sorry
    She had a bb with her, but I heard a buck grunt 1 time in the pines behind I decided to pass in hopes "he" would show. Of course as my luck goes...he never showed. :( No idea where he went...I heard other deer and I guess he went with them. I did see 6 today, so that was much better than the blanks I've been drawing lately. What a beautiful morning....cold and clear, and crunchy :D Still not alot of action...I haven't seen a buck in over a month! Its coming...I have a feeling the next couple weeks are gonna be awesome.

    I may get out this weekend with my son for M/L....and probably not again till next week with the bow again. Good luck guys!

  14. mcorso

    mcorso Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Congrats on the buck! thats a shooter for sure! I am headed out tomorrow for the weekend, my boss got one this morning,and im waiting on the pics, he is guessing about high 120's .. a 170 class deer was taken this week about two miles form my ground,and two 150 class bucks were seen in the field next to my ground! let you guys know how the weekend goes, good luck to all you guys!
  15. SparrowHawk

    SparrowHawk Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 22, 2009
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    SW Michigan
    Thanks guys! Ya he had very solid mass, but his 15 inch spread is what he lacked. I will get that Pope and Young someday, it is suppose to be tough right? I am getting him mounted, bringing him to the taxidermy possibly tomorrow.
  16. wmdbambibuster

    wmdbambibuster Weekend Warrior

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Congrats on the buck SH! I havent been on much iv'e been hunting and just been real busy nothing yet:mad:

    Oh and WV dont worry about letting the doe walk i have been doing that alot lately myself but freezer is getting low and momma is gettin anxious so next nanny is getting it! Gd Luck All!
  17. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hey guys...anyone having any luck? Last time I was out I got blanked again...last Friday evening. Was planning to take my son out M/L on Sat, but he ended up having basketball practice at 7am. Yuck! I'm planning to get out a couple mornings later this week with the bow, then we'll hunt on Sat together for the rifle opener. Maybe he can get one. My buddy killed a big one last Sat with his M/L...really nice 9pt. Probably 125" or so...which is HUGE for around here. He said they were moving pretty good, saw 3 bucks that morning. I'm still not seeing much action...hoping it picks up soon.

    Good luck guys...lets do it! The next couple weeks should be hot....I sure hope so!

  18. rbhunting1

    rbhunting1 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Gentry, AR
    I went out and logged about three hours after work yesterday morning. I saw two small does about ten min after I got in my stand. Followed closely by a six pt and a spike. I could have shot the 6 point but wasn't sure it was legal til after he got behind some brush. The spike had one antler growing out sideways just above his ear and it looked like he was flop eared. About an hour later, saw five does with an eight pt. They were just out of range in the thick stuff. I plan to try again this morning, but the wind will be wrong for that stand. I'll hunt another, where I missed a big eight.

    Good Luck Guys!
  19. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Well I went out this morning, ended up seeing a doe and fawn. Its so slow at 10 I figured I'd slip around easy to some of the areas where they typically rub and scrape every year....just to see how it looks. Nothing. Not one rub or scrape in the usual areas. ??? I'm at a loss. Not only am I not seeing anything for the most part, I'm not seeing the normal sign either. I've owned this land for 11yrs...and lived on it for 8yrs. NEVER has it been like this. Normally the first two weeks of Nov are hopping....bucks chasing does, lots of activity. I've see deer 2 times in the last 9 sits, and haven't seen a buck since Oct 3. Man am I frustrated. I don't hardly even feel like taking my son tomorrow for the rifle opener, I have zero confidence at all.

    I called a buddy and went and hunted with him this evening, saw a nice 4pt right before dark.

    Good luck ain't looking good here, I'm just hoping that for some reason its really late this year. Makes no sense to me.
  20. mcorso

    mcorso Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Hey guys, sorry for lagging on my updates, Ive been working alot, and sneaking into stands right after, and the wife is getting a lil irritated with my absence. but man have I seen some deer! just cant seem to seal the deal. always something from a spooky old doe, or some branches in the way. im trying and now praying that it will happen! will keep you posted!

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