Team Deadzone Official Thread (21) Lets get this team started! Team 21: WV Hunter SparrowHawk leadoperator wmdbambibuster TexasBowhunter Sniper rbhunting1 mcorso I'm checking in from SW Michigan. Opening day is Oct 1st here and I can't wait. Should be a great season for me, I have put a lot of time in the off season hanging new stands and scouting some new property. I am introducing two trail cameras into my hunting strategy this season, hopefully I get some photos of a good buck to go after. Good luck to everyone season, any ideas on a team name?
WV Hunter, checking in! I hunt WV & VA....we start in early October. Not sure how much time I'll get this year, but I'll give it my best! A good buck in our area goes 110" or so...don't have many big ones, but plenty of deer and its alot of fun. I had a run in with about a good buck two times last year, once in early Nov, and the next time two mos later on the very last day of the gun season in early Jan - and he had already shed. I'm hoping he's still around...should be a REAL nice on this year if he made it past the road hunters. I think he was around 115" or so last year, which is a stud around here. Good thing is, he was on the exact same path both times...2 mos apart, and 300yds from my back door! (and I have a stand there now!) I spend quite a bit of time hunting with my son also who is 11 now, funner watching him get deer than doing it myself. He is not bowhunting yet, next year. He has a bow, and can shoot decent, we've just not had the time this year with all the sports to get him ready like I hoped we would. Good luck to everyone this year! Lets take this team of leftovers and show em how to do it! Hey...maybe that is a good team name, The Leftovers! LOL Mike
Everybody wanted Justin to make a new team and now nobody is showing up! Hopefully we get some of these people to check in or our team is doomed.
I'm not exactly sure on how to get in on this, but if you guys need someone to fill in (and the rules will let you), just let me know. Don't expect much from me though, as all the deer in KS are small... :D
I hear ya! Did you happen to pm the rest of the folks by any chance? I guess we need to try that, and if they still don't show I'm not sure what we'll do. I guess we can pm Justin and see.
Yeah, buncha dinks out there, I don't know why anyone would even hunt that state! LOL There was a signup thread and an alternate thread. Our team is comprised of people from the alternate thread, who missed the deadline on the original contest signup. We have 5 people assigned to our team that haven't showed up yet. We'll keep you posted, I guess if we don't end up with enough folks, it might be an option. Mike
Ah, I just found the alternate sign up thread and it is closed. Looks like there are already 5 alternates in front of me, so I'm out this year. Thanks though. Maybe next year!
Sparrowhawk and Leadoperator.... I just sent pm's to the remaining team members. I guess we'll give them a few days. Most had more than 1 post here, so hopefully they will show up. Mike
Welcome rbhunting! Glad to see ya joined the team. Mike nice work sending PMS to the remaining no shows, hopefully a few more will check in. If we don't get a full team within a week I say we start looking for alternates, I could pm Justin about it. My season starts OCT 1st here in MI. Michigan has a early anterless that runs this Thursday through Sunday, I'm gonna get out and try to whack a nice Doe for some good eatin!:p It's pretty hot right now so I think mornings are going to be my best bet with the temps, any suggestions? Who has a team name in mind? Spit em out! -Sparrow
Hey guys checking inn! Glad to be on Team 21! Sorry im late. So a little about my self i live in Western Maryland,Married,31 yrs old , 2 kids 1 boy 1 girl,i am a mechanic. I mainly hunt Md but going to try to go to ohio also this year went last year and had a gd time but no luck. Anyways gd luck this year guys cant wait to get to know some of you. :D
As far as team names. 1. The Leftovers 2. Team Deadzone 3. Team Last Chance 4. Team Blackjack 5. The Heart Stoppers 6. The Headgear Hunters Just a couple i could think up hope this helps.
My season started on the 15th. Went out for the morning hunt seen 18 deer mostly does and fawns, 2 ?'s, 1 Buck not sure what it was. There was 4 of us on the property and seen 35 deer altogether not to bad for about a four hour sit. Havent been back out since but will hit it again tommorrow night. My brother hunted my stand yesterday saw 12 3 bucks spike, 4 point , 5 point none of the big guys have shown their self yet. Well there big for this area probably wont see them til late Oct - Nov but who knows anything can happen. We know they are there have seen them in the fields but thats it. I will try to atleast put a doe on the ground this weekend to get us on the board!:D
wmd...welcome to the team! Glad to have you! Question...does wmd stand for what I think it does? LOL Good luck this season, sounds like you shouldn't have any trouble putting something down. Remember guys, we get 50pts for a doe... Where in MD are you? Mike