Hey Sub welcome to Team Buck Patrol. Glad to see we have another member! Especially one that checks in and actually chats in the official team thread!
YEah Senior Year at Marquette gets in the way of hunting forums when im in immunohematology lab all day lol!
What is everyones BIGest deer they are watchingt and hoping to connect witht his year? Mine is mid 150's main frame 10. He is a 4 1/2 yr old I would be proud to pull the trigger on.
im watchn a 180class buck and prolly one around 160. go to suburban standout Outdoors on facebook at take a look at the bucks we have on trail camera guys! heres a sneak peak
WOOOT! Won the raffle for hunting access to my states most elusive hunting grounds. Only gets hunted 4 days a year by 1500 people. Over 1 in 4 people take a deer. ALOT OF MONSTERS IN THERE!!!! Yeah its called the Quabbin Reservoir, its Boston water supply. Even though its in western MA.
Another bonus is they sell Bonus Doe permits for the quabbin. That could make up for me not getting a Doe permit this year. So I have a potential to take 3 deer Max this year.
Thanks man! Oct 17 cant get here soon enough. My buddy I work with hunts CT and tomorrow is their opening day. I had to hear about that all day at work today! BRUTAL!
Yeah exactly, he took the rest of the week off. If I wasn't so jealous I'd be glad for him. lol Nah hes cool I hope he tags a monster.
Got out for a few hrs before work today, but only saw a doe. Prob sit all day saturday. Anyone else get out yet?
I'll be going out tomorrow to check my trail cam. Set it on a fresh mock scrape. Hopefully I'll have some pics worth posting.
Went out scouting this evening for about an hour. Seen 9 does and a spike. And I discovered that my only trail camera died on me, so now I'll have to send it in to get repaired I guess.
Made it out for a quick weekend of archery goat hunting. Spent 1 day stalking and the other day sitting water - just to mix it up a bit. Made it within 70 yards twice but just couldn't close the deal. Probably the best stalk was some antelope I found in a alfalfa field that had some hay bales in it... I circled way way around and used the bales to block the goats view (2 does and a buck). Unfortunately once I got to 100 yards I ran out of bales to hide behind. They started to feed towards me and got to 70 yards but then turned and away and didn't get any closer... Close but yet so far away - ha ha.... Also had a doe and fawn bed down about 100 yards away from my waterhole on the last day... Here's a few pics from my trip... http://s492.photobucket.com/albums/rr286/jayolesen/Antelope_SD_2011/?albumview=slideshow
GOOD NEWS!! I didnt check my trailcam today BUTTT I did by a new Mathews Z7 Extreme!!!!!! Pick it up tomorrow!!! SAAAAWEEEEETTT!
congrats on the new bow, now break it in real good! I'm gonna check a cam maybe today or tommorow behind the inlaws house and about another week and half i'll check my other cams, i'm excited to check those, definantly alot of big bucks in that area.