Lol no, I've never seen a buck that scored 250" in my life other than at deer shows. If I did, I might have a heart attack or fall out of the stand. Although the biggest buck in IL last year that was found was just 5 miles down the road. If the trend continues over the past 4 years though there should be a buck approaching 200" in the area somewhere, and I'm gonna do my best to try and find him
Schultzy, I have to work all weekend as well on our season opener here in stress. And do not worry about the glassing and all that jazz. You are a skilled woodsmen and can put the signs together come hunting season to make it happen. Best of luck, and good things happen at the weirdest times.
A guys gotta make a living Brett, damn It anyway huh??!! I really wanted to get In some early season buck hunting this year and try and catch one of the big guys In their summer patterns yet, I've never tried It before In the early season. I've read so much about It and allot of people believe It's much easier then hunting the rut. In order to do that a guy needs to know where these guys are coming from, I don't have a clue to be honest as of right now. Who knows I guess when I'll get In the woods. I know how to hunt the rut so maybe I'm better off leaving the woods alone right now and not wrecking It pressuring It. Good luck to you also Brett, your a good man that deserves himself one hell of a buck!!! Good things come to those who put their time In, yours Is coming my friend!!!
Thanks buddy, I hope. The stars are beginning to align for me in several different ways. If there ever was a year to put down my first mature buck, this is it.
Thanks for the b-day wishes guys, I appreciate it. Good luck to you guys on your opener this weekend.
Well me and Paul will have 100 inches for the team after this weekend. First doe that comes by is getting thwacked. I can't wait!
Damn do I wish I could shoot more then one deer where I hunt!!! One tag In my area. If time allows me some time off In the next month I may have to make a drive somewhere else In the state where they have more then one tag available. Time probably will not be on my side though, bad year for It. Good luck to you guys!!!
Good Luck Guys For the second night I glassed 2 nice bucks in a soy field on a local farm. In fact just yesterday I hung a stand way on the backside of this farm well off the field, in the thickest nastiest stuff along a creek. I think they are an 8 & 10 pt. Tough to tell glassing at that distance. But the one I believe to be an 8 is wider while the 10 carries more mass. They are both still in velvet. I've seen another good one in the same place shedding velvet last week. Neither are jaw droppers but solid bucks, that don't wanna come by me in bow range. I'd put them in the high 120's ~ 130's but again it's a long way to glass.
yeah he got me pumped up now, i wasn't sure if i wanted to shoot one right away but now that i saw in in the truck....I DO! so hopefully tonite is my turn
Well it's good to get a good start! Now the rest of you gotta start your seasons and we gotta get some bucks!