I've still got 24 days til my opener. Also, I've got everyone's phone number now but gr8. If you could gr8, let me know if you're interested in joining the contact list or not and once I find out I'll send out a message to everyone that contains all the numbers just to be sure everyone has them all.
Brandon....I certainly am...But as of now I have no cell phone. I'll have one by hunting season ..Send the list I'll update everyone when I have mine. Long story short I had a Company Phone, and am currently unemployed so for the first time in history I have to find my own phone.
Guys, I truly believe we are the sleeper cell team. My moto is really expressive and creative...KILL!
We'll be a contender. Just remember a lesson I had re-enforced last year. Hunt for yourself, take what makes you happy. This contest is for fun and making friends. We will do that, regardless of final oucome!
I'd say we already did that. I can't wait til this show really gets on the road tho and we can tell some stories! 4 1/2 days!
its gonna be fun!!!! i wish eveyone the best of luck and like Gr8 said shoot whats gonna make you happy not everyone else and most of all have fun because this is what we all look forward to each year.
Beagle..you need to edit the initial post header to reflect our Team Name with the number in Parenthesis.
I am heading down to NC on Sunday to try and get a doe on the board for us....gonna hunt hard. KILL. +50 or bust
What RutJunkie doesn't know is that I have a 250" buck in my sights that is gonna equal 3 of their bucks =P
Well said Bob!! My season opens on the 19th here In Mn as Shreck already mentioned. I won't be out on the opener, will be working all weekend. Not exactly sure when I'm going to start hunting anyway, I didn't get In as much summer scouting/glassing that I wanted to. We'll see I guess. Good luck to all, It seems we have some friendly folks on this team. Can't beat that!!!