Ah, isn't that cute-sharing numbers! Maybe you girls could swap panties too! It fills my heart with glee when I see another team so worried about each other and not concentrating on the real priorities. I'm sure if Steve were around, he'd be confiscating "man cards" and giving "sack punches". When he returns from his bear hunt, you boys had better be ready for a good country arse kicking! LOL....really, it's a cool idea. Just thought I'd give Team 15 a little do-do. Knock em dead 15!
KILL WILL! Schultzy has recently had a daughter and is in the most confused man-pseudo man self conflication ever at this point in his life. He will give us all a large bear gut stink infused hug that has ever been witnessed when he returns. Our real priorities...beating team 14.
LOL.... "Our real priorities...beating team 14." Now that's the "Man talk" I want to read! Check that, "can I text you", girly hand slapping, non-chest bumping, I wear a size three dress, momma's boy stuff at the door! For goodness sake, we have deer to kill!
Old adage~ Actions speak louder than words my friend! And you leave my Mamma outta this! Or there will be LOTS of action boy! What kind of name is Iamyourhuckleberry anyway!? Huckleberry? should be suckleberry hahahahahaha
Hey Huck ..heres a little tid bit for you...you can share it with your team!! When they ask who's gonna beat you.. You tell 'em I'M coming... and hell's coming with me, you hear?...:D
Thanks Bob or should I say Wyatta2d! Perfect! That's it, now you guys are starting to talk like men... no sense in sugar coating it! I see hope for team 15! Here's a little training film for ya'll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXD8yOxIPB0 I love it when a plan comes together... Now kill some deer darn it!
Well yes I am Paul-among other things (teacher). Thanks for noticing. Ten bucks says you're a student? As such, I would think you would be willing to learn. "Give a man food and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life!" Anyway, you don't need to worry about walking backwards on my job sites, if that's the reason you're asking-unless, of course, you were unlimited with your texting! I vow to be the red sash which further unites Team 15. Get after it Team 15! Get-r-done!
u owe me ten bucks......lol i agree with virginia we all need to be in the tree with our unlimited texting trying to kill some giant deer.
lol...Paul, we're all students until we die, I hope anyway. Agreed, we need to get out there in the worst way! You won't hafta put up with me much longer...I'm off to the Artic on Friday. My Kanga bow and I have a date with a Musk ox. Thanks for the good laughs and good times team 15! You guys are the best! Remember to keep the riff raff out of your house in my absence.
hahaha! I never have a phone on while in the woods. I have in my pack on "silent" just in case of an emergency.
Good luck on the Musk OX sounds cool. Would love to see them gather in a circle! As for the riff raff....well we're still having trouble with that!
yeah i guess we are all student till we die....good point and your not bugging me one bit. a little bit of b.s keeps a guy in check, otherwise people think to much of themselves. the musk ox sounds awesome. i take it you do a lot of different hunts like that? if so what was ur favorite?
Paul, My goal has never been to bug but rather push. This is the type of campfire talk your team would receive if you were with me in Colorado hunting elk. It's my whimsical way of firing you up-getting everyone to focus and working hard when in the bush. It would serve my heart well to see every member of Team 15 behind a monster buck! As competitive as I am, you will never have to worry about competing against me. When it comes to hunting, that just not my cup of tea. I have a philosophy, "How do you know if you're a good hunter if you have never hunted? Better yet, "How do you know if you're a good hunter if you have never been hunted?" So, to answer your question, my favorite hunts are those where I am both hunter and hunted. When and if I ever become a blood spot in the sand, I will have perished doing exactly that which makes me the happiest. I try to push my luck at least once a year. I made it through a spot and stalk black bear in the Spring (with Kodiakarcher). It now time to test the musk ox. A cape buff, hippo, and croc are next on the bucket list. I hear ya Bob, Jeff is a little shady-definitely riff raff!
Jeff, What does positives and negatives have to do with riff raff? If it came down to shooting a 165 inch bruiser buck within five yards of your tree, or not, and the difference meant wearing ladies undergarments for an entire season, then I'm guessing you would look prettier than the late Michael Jackson. Would you not? That's all I'm saying about riff raff. p.s. If you find this works, please let me know. I'll do the same and jump into the tree next to you! Two buff magnets will surely attract more than one!
Ahh Jeffery...Try as I might this is why I can't find complete and udder disdain for you.. We're so much alike, to hate you, would be to hate part of myself!