Way to Go Mathews....Our future rests on Steve's Shoulders now...no pressure. Maybe it's time to put that buck you've danced with all season..down for good.
I went out last night and saw 9 does/fawns but no bucks. One of my friends that hunts on neighboring property found an 11-pointer that would go around 130" dead in front of his stand which kinda sucks. I might go back out tonight depending on how much I get done during the day today.
Best of luck Brandon!! I got that feeling your going to get It done bud!! Got skunked out there tonight on stand but did bust a buck out In the field when I walked out. Looked to be an ok buck. He was a good 60 yards away when he spooked and I could see rack fairly decent In the darkness. Back at It again tomorrow evening. Morning hunts are out of the question the next 2 days, job related stuff to do.
No luck tonight! Saw 8 deer total, no bucks though. One BB came by at about 15 yards. Checked my camera tonight on the way out and to my surprise a new buck showed up. He's a borderline shooter going by the camera. We'll see what he looks like during the day If he would show. Here's a few pics of him.
Well boys, I wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, hope Santa treats you to all sorts of good hunting stuff! Take care!
Saw a doe and 2 fawns tonight. I tell you what, I might of shot the doe If she would've came In range. Had the Itch and being Christmas Eve and all thought It would be kinda special. Won't be back out again till Monday some time, gotta haul milk the next 3 days. Should be another foot of snow on the ground by then, I'm sure the deer patterns will be completely different come then. Have a great Christmas all!!
Merry Christmas guys! I haven't been out hunting for a few days but hopefully next week I'll be able to get out more. It's been raining non-stop the past couple of days and we've probably had around 5" of rain.
Got me a doe tonight guys. It was time, I gave In to my buck hunting being I had 4 days of hunting left before my season ended here. I'm damn happy with her!!
For those guys holding out for bigger bucks on their own land and still hunting---go down to some public land and kill a buck at 60 inches or greater and we have this contest! KILL KILL!
I have public land about 20 minutes down the road from me that I could try this out on but my permits are landowner only so I can only use them on land we actually own unfortunately.
Good luck Brandon with getting a buck!! Man I sure wish I could still be hunting for a buck but time wasn't on my side.