I hope to get out a few more times here in the next 3 weeks or so. I haven't hunted for 2 weeks, which is the longest period of time between hunts than I can ever remember. Life has been busy!
Get em Schultzy! As for me, I've been easing my way into winter with a little rabbit/squirrel hunting with my beagle, but no luck yet. All this snow should help tho, so hopefully tomorrow is ok. The deer are finally moving again by me, but still lots of action at night. My grandpa saw one spiker, so that means there is at least one buck that made it! lol
Hey guys- I shot a 6 point this morning at about 8am. He's not that big but there's only a few days left here in NY and I need some venison! I would have rather shot a doe but never had the opportunity to do so this year. The sad thing is he would have been a nice buck in a couple years.I ended up shooting him from my early season oak stand. I sat there figuring with all the snow melted that the deer would go back to the acorns and they did. Shot him at 30 yards while he was munching acorns! Now all I have to do is figure out how to enter him in the contest. Jason
Jason, you should be dang proud of yourself. Just make sure to take 2 pictures with the buck, with you and your bow in the picture. Then enter him. This is awesome news man, especially this late in the season! Congratulations.
Boys, that 65 point buck by matthewshooter put us within 59 points or so of Team 12~! Someone put down another buck or doe!
Steve,you do realize the pressure is on YOU, right? If you kill that big boy, or another big boy, I will buy you a nights worth of booze if we ever meet.
I'm done. Its freakin freezing here.I would have to bundle up so much that I probably couldn't pull my bow back! Good luck to the rest of you brave souls still plugging away.
You are so close bud! As many times that this deer has evaded you he has to mess up one of these times.....hes gotta!
I went out this morning and saw 3 bucks, none of which were shooters. One of the bucks had half of his rack missing already but I don't know if he shed it or if he lost it during the rut. The other two bucks I saw were sparring around in front of me for about half an hour and included a basket-rack 9 pointer and a stud 6-pointer. I bet that 6-pointer had to have had 9 or 10" G-2's. He didn't look very old so he should be a great buck in a couple of years. I'm on Christmas break now for the next month so I'll try and do my best to find a decent buck to put on the ground and bump us into the lead. I'm also looking to shoot another doe if the opportunity presents itself.