I'll accept the pressure! I'll be home this weekend for the second firearm season and I probably won't be able to hunt much after that due to final exam week approaching. On the bright side however, once final exam week is through, I'll have a whole month off for Christmas break allowing for plenty of time in the stand. I'm hoping to get to take another doe with my bow and a buck if the right one walks by.
Well I'm glad you guys are still pushing it! As for me I just packed up all my camo and put the bow away... What a year it has been... Glad I could share my year with you guys.. Enough sissy talk, KILL SOME BUCKS!
Beagle, Pack the bow up? Huh? Now that there's some sissy talk! A new season starts today and another will open tomorrow... "quitters never win!" If nothing else, get ready for your dream hunt! You Team 15 boys are doing ok? Do I need to pull out my can of "Get-r-Done" and spray down anyone over here?
Lol Huck!! I'll take a shot of that stuff too!! Yesterday afternoon I went and hung another new stand up In an area I haven't touched yet this year but have been wanting to very badly. The wind really likes to swirl here In this spot but the deer activity Is awesome In there right now so I couldn't hold back. I went up about 20 feet In a tree so hopefully my scent will carry higher then usual and give me a little extra time If a shooter would come by. I have hung more new stand set ups this year then any other year by far!! The evening sit was an eventful one. Saw anywhere from 12 to 15 deer, 4 of them deer were bucks. One might of been a shooter, all I saw was his right side of antlers ****ting and getting about 50 yards away trotting through brush being a doe pegged me In the tree and was giving me a few snorts for a good 40 minutes straight. He wasn't the buck I wounded being his rack was more yellowish but he looked decent from what I could tell. That damn doe screwed my hunt up Immensely. I also heard another buck grunt north of me just once but never got to see what he was. All In all I had 5 different bucks around. One of them 5 might have been the biggest 2.5 year old I've ever saw. He would go In that 110" to 115" range. He might of been a 3.5 but his body looked way to small so I'm sticking with my thoughts on him being a 2.5. Light was getting tough though so who knows I guess. I was planning on hunting this spot this morning again but the wind was whipping to much and figured my scent would swirl way to much so I played It safe and stayed home. I'll sit It tonight If the wind calms down some. Good luck all!! Good luck to you as well Will and Rob on your bison hunt!!
I sat here tonight and again I got picked out, this time It was a doe fawn!!! No more evening sits here, I'm to open from the direction they are coming from In the evenings. From now on, morning sits only here. These deer are VERY jumpy every year this time of year, good old gun hunting pressure does this every year. I sure wish I would've hunted this stand this morning though. This morning we got a 1/2 Inch of snow, It quit at about 7:00 this morning. On the way In this evening I found a 30x30 foot circle of dirt and deep dig marks 40 to 50 yards from my stand tree. Looks to me like a buck fight went on sometime after the snow fell. It was exciting to see but It sure has me wondering when It happened. I'd put money on It that It was this morning shortly after It quit snowing. Want to know what really sucks, I have a trail camera out that's about 30 yards to far to the west to catch what happened. Who knows though, maybe one of the bucks walked on by It before or after the altercation. I'll check the camera In the morning possibly.
Well Huck, with the looks, or lack thereof, of deer this year, and since our crew got 4 bucks, plus found one dead, I figured it'd be a good idea to give the deer a rest for the year. Gotta plan for next years contest after we win this thing! I've got plans to brush out some spots for next year already and gotta start taking care of the small game population round these parts lol
Well guys i sat out tonite on the freshly combined corn and seen 37 deer give or take a couple. nothing was out there big enough to shoot but it was nice to see some deer are still left.
Well... I sat through the second gun season this past weekend and deer movement was pretty slow to say the least. I saw three yearlings on Saturday evening, nothing on Sunday morning, and that same three yearlings on Sunday night. I did see a decent buck on the walk out on Saturday evening, but I don't think he's a shooter. I think it is the buck that my dad passed on, although it was close enough that he took his safety off twice debating. He's a nice 8-pointer that's somewhere in the range of 120-130". ML season is this upcoming week, but I doubt I participate because I'll be locked in a room somewhere studying for finals. Only two more weeks until a much needed break from school.
Guys we are so close! Many combinations of bucks and does could put us over the top to win the contest. Come on guys!
Hi fellas ...dang still no bone on the ground??? Ya'll better kick it in and fast! I had a great Gun Season, shot a nice PA 7 point at 7:30 am opening morning. First deer I saw, and of all the bow kills this year (3) my gun kill was my closest shot at 16 yards. Try that with a gun you were shooting the day before at 100-300 yards (just playing after checking sights) and I left the scope dialed up to 10 power..lol The best part came 1/2 hour later when after gutting and all was ready to start the long drag out. I looked up and 3 deer were coming my way, a 5pt a 8pt and a doe. I watched them come within 25 yards. We all froze and looked at each other, my cousin was hunting the backside of the mountain. (500 yards or so away) I took off running out of the clear blue to force the deers move, the 8pt went exactly on the escape route I needed him to...10 minutes later my cousin dropped him at 35 yards. Both deer down by 8:30...we drug until 2 PM....great day.. Great Season!
Bob, that does sound like a great time you had with everyone. Congratulations. You have had a great season!
If Schultzy kills that buck and puts us over the top in the contest, I will mail him a prize myself! I am thinking of a 6 pack of beer, 2 nudey mags, possibly a couple of cigars, and a few indian broadheads covered in dried bison blood.
If I'm lucky enough to get this buck Brett he will with ease put us out In front. Talk about drama with me and this buck hah? This buck Is something else, never hunted anything like It before with all the stuff we've been through.
Steve, I love the drama. It must be tough and fun at the same time. Wether you win or lose with that buck in terms of shooting and killing it, you have won by just having the experience. Good luck.
Thanks Brett! I agree that the expierence has been nothing short of awesome and It's been very knowledgeable. I've learned a ton about this buck and If things don't work out this year, next year I'll already be way ahead of the game for early season hunting. Imagine what he might look like next year If he lives?