Welcome Shrek... Where ya hail from?? Kind of a quiet group we got here. Anyone sending emails to the MIA??
Gr8--I like it. Probably a lot of guys with more bite than bark. We might as well introduce ourselves. I am Brett. I am married with three young kids and live in Northern Virginia. I hunt on a public military base. I am excited to arrow a doe and a buck. I will need to arrow a doe to off-set my typically scrawny little bucks!
Yeah it is fairly quiet on here. I work out of town during the week and some hotels don't have computer access, but this one does! Anyway, my name is Ryan. From Central WI, same place as huntwi88. I work for a pole building type contruction company. Less than a month and we'll be kickin er off here in WI. Just wait til you see the bucks huntwi88 has got scoped out.
hay my name is chris i live in n.w.MN i bow hunted be for it has been 7 years so dis will be my frist time in a long time i will be hunting on my familys land and i will be hunting with my cuzin (mnbowhunter) we have seen some good bucks dis year and i hope i can knock one down for are team
Soory guys for not checking in. My computer has been down.Right now I'm using my mothers computer. I'll check back when my crappy computer is up and running.
Hey guys, couldn't sleep tonight and played around with some potential team avatars. Please do not feel you have to accept one of the potential avatars I show below. These are just some ideas in terms of design and team name. Lets get some ideas rolling.
Hey guys. Im Paul, soon to be 21 from central WI. Like Beagle said we are about 5 mins apart and we basically grew up together. umm i work for a company that builds firetrucks, I basically weld up the whole front cab part of the truck. Other than that i spent the rest of my time bowhunting or doing something that deals with hunting. I plan to kick off the year with a big ol' doe and a big ol' buck after that. I have my eyes on one or 2. give me some time and ill have pics shortly. other than that good luck to everyone. And i like the top avatar!!! it gets my vote
some pics for u guy to check out......let me know what ya think http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/2.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/eriksonsdeer03513.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/eriksonsdeer03515.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/eriksonsdeer03517.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/late7.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/huntwi88/apples9.jpg
Hey there Brett, been busy as hell with the milk hauling. Bob, I want nothing to do with this captain stuff- way to busy here. I decided also that It's time I take a break from these boards a tad, got my reasons. Avatar wise, that second pic of the buck looks cool as heck!! Even the very 1st picture you displayed before that post Brett looks good to me. Whatever you all want to do, I'm fine with It. Good group of guys here, I think It's gonna be a good time.
Glad to see you Schultzy. I guess it is a good and bad thing that you are so busy with the hauling. At least you have a job and are busy. Well I hope things slow down for you a bit, yet you still get paid good money. I look forward to some stories you might tell over the course of your season. I wish you the best of luck and I know you will enjoy every minute of it. Brett
Normally I would take the Captain job over, I've done it before on other contests, but like I said with me gone during the week there is no for sure chance I'll touch a computer for 5 days of the week. Avatar-wise... I really like the first one and the last one. Be sure to check out Paul's bucks.. WOW
if nobody wants to do the captain thing i could do it....but if anyone really wants it take it. i worked 2nd shift but when i get home and earlier in the day i can be on here a lot so....
well besides Paul, does anyone else have any bucks spotted out? It's been slow by me, only got one nice 2 1/2 on camera and saw one other one recently, but supposedly my Gramps saw a beast last night by his house so I'm hoping he strolls by. Paul can have my vote as captain, he has enough time on his hands ;-)