Stuff sure has slowed down In my woods. Scrapes aren't getting hit nearly as much, almost seems as their going Into full chase mode and not checking the scrapes much. My deer sightings also have taken a big hit as of late. We have our gun season going on right now also, Sunday will be the last day for the shot gunners around here. In 2 weeks the ML season opens then, that goes on for 3 weeks or so but not many around the area do the ML season. Guess who I saw on my trail cam this morning? Yep, 7 days Into the 9 day gun season and he's still alive. He came through at 4:50 this morning. I got to my stand at 6:10 this morning. I really believe he's In the woods I'm hunting but I honestly have no Idea on where he's bedding. I know he Isn't bedding where he was 3 weeks ago (neighbors CRP field) , that's been getting pushed by gun hunters the last 7 days so he's some where In the 117 acres I'm hunting I would think. Now It's becoming a big guessing game. To top It off the damn wind direction Isn't helping In the least. I need north winds like a need to win the lottery, don't look like It's going to happen.
I feel for you guys, man this warm weather. You know it didn't shut the boys down, but I know they are moving less in the daytime. Keep at it Steve, that would really be something if you took that buck after all.
Come on Steve! GO get that big boy. Well guys, best of luck. I am off to work sun-up to sundown here the next 3 days. I just know someone is going to put one down here soon. GOOD LUCK.
Action packed morning hunt, but more so for my dad than me. I saw the 2.5 y/o 8-pointer again. I sure hope he makes it a couple more years because he will be a beast. I also saw 4 does and 3 fawns. Last night my dad saw the buck that the neighbors have been seeing with a doe, and he went into a tall patch of CRP that's about 6 ft tall. This morning shortly after my dad got into stand he heard grunting out in the CRP patch, and a few minutes later the "big" boy came out into the open at about 25 yards, but it was too dark for my dad to get a shot. He went back into the CRP patch where we can only assume he was bedded with a hot doe. He was doing 10-15 second tending grunts, and grunting periodically about every 30 minutes. My dad also had an encounter with THE big buck that we had never seen before. He heard the rustle of some leaves behind him and turned around to look and see a buck that dwarfed the 150 some inch buck he had just seen. He estimates that this buck has around a 20-22 inch spread, and is a 12-14 pointer that will score in the 180's. Unfortunately the buck got within about 40 yards and busted my dad, because he came from down wind. He didn't run away, but just turned around and walked back where he came from so he wasn't spooked too bad. I'm really hoping that either my dad or I will be able to get the job done on one of these bucks. We have two deer stands in this area, about 300 yards apart so I hope I at least can get a glimpse of one one the big boys. I might try and take a video camera out with me tonight to see if I can get some footage.
Ah, but you are mistaken! Points on the board tonight! Turns out Paul smoked a nice doe tonight as well!
You would be correct. Paul put a doe down this afternoon. Ryan shot a nice buck but a bit far back. Said he thought he heard it go down but backed out and will go tracking in the morning.
Ferg--this is huge news! Alright guys...great job Paul! Good luck tomorrow Ryan, I will be checking in from work to see what the word is in the morning.
I wasn't trying to ruin his story. Just getting swamped with questions of what I know. Hopefully everyone will wait for Ryan to respond now!
Good luck tomorrow Ryan! I want play by play updates lol. Hopefully I'll be able to send out a BBD text as well, even though I have yet to see a shooter buck . Oh well, at least I know there are a couple in the area, and that's all the motivation I need.
GOOD luck this morning Ryan. I will be at work so I will not be able to check my phone for a text. Someone please post on here and let me know what is going on...I am excited to see his success. Best of luck to all the rest of you in your pursuits. Bob, good luck on your job opportunity. Steve, good luck on that buck, or other bucks that might just pop up! Brandon, keep hunting hard man, keep at it!
Chances are I'm not even going out today. It's the last day of the big gun season here In my area and I feel pretty good In thinking that not many bucks have been taken so far let alone the one I've been chasing around. I figure why go In the woods and accidentally push him out of there and hear the neighbors open up on him, I'd be sick to my stomach If that happened on the last day of this gun season. I talked a little with Bob (Gr8atta2d) last night and like he said It don't hurt to let things settle down anyway being I've hit It hard since Wednesday. Best of luck to those out today!! Hopefully one of them studs your dad saw will walk In front of you Brandon!! Best of luck to you also Ryan (Beagle). He'll be laying there dead as can be as long as nothing pushed him last night. Congratulation's to you Paul on your doe!!
Steve, I am sure somewhere on those 100 acres you could set up without pushing him, yet still have a chance at another buck that may be moving through your area due to the gun pressure. Today seems like a great day to kill a buck.
We found him! pics are up on the score card, I'll send the link to my facebook album for the rest of the pictures