well guys i had probably the best weekend ive ever had. it started off friday morning hunting in the rain i had a 125-130 inch eight come by. friday night on the way into the woods i spotted a huge buck with a doe on the way to the stand. saturday night i rattled and had a shooter buck come behind me in a small swamp and just didnt ocme in. and tonite i had a huge deer porb 155" or so come by at 46 yards after i grunted at him from 125 yards away. he made 3-4 scrapes on the way to me and just got me all worked up lol but 46 was just a little to far for me on a deer like that. but it was still awesome and ill be goin at it hard this week whenever i can. plus i believe there is a 35 acre corn field coming off this week of ours and theres away big deer that show up out there so im pretty excited. Good Luck and lets get some bucks!!!
Saw 4 does and 2 small bucks today. Nothing really happening here yet in terms of even seeking hard. I am guessing by Friday things will be changing rapidly.
Thats great Schultzy!!! stick him with another one now! Was he in the same area? I got a text from Brandon tonite at work saying Gr8 has a buck on the ground. Im super excited to it!
Yep, 20 yards from where I wounded him. He sure did, looks to be a 120" or so buck. He done good, way to go Bob!!!
Thanks Guys..the story is posted in the forum, the score is up on the official sheet. 125 4/8 and man what a heavy deer. Got him out late last night!
WTG! Glad you got back out there, and that the big boy is still alive. Congrats bud! As for me, the weekend kicked off with a very exciting hunt, then really slowed down. Rattled in a nice little 2.5 Friday night. Probably 14-15 wide. Should be nice in a year or two. Saturday mornin was really great. Right off the bat I had a doe come thru then a spiker chase her around. Not 5 minutes later a buck came cruising thru the brush 30 yards from me but I never got a great look at him, but he looked like he had some mass. Then a bit later I had kind of a different lookin buck come 15 yards down a trail that most deer come and walk in front of my stand. he didn't, and went behind me. I decided to try rattling and a buck came running in fast! I caught a glimpse and he looked real good but he mustve smelt me and was gone as fast as he came in. I didn't see much else until Sunday night, when I had two VERY nice 2.5's come in. One had a crazy rack, 4 inch brows, 7-8 inch 2's and only inch or two 3's, but palmated the whole length of the beam and a big kicker off the right g2. The buck he was with caught wind of my dominant buck scent and immediately got angry at the other buck and snort wheezed at him which was the first time I ever heard one in real life.
Saw 0 tonight, nothing. Had two small bucks within range last night which was cool. I can't hunt tomorrow as my daughter is sick, but I will have two all day hunts Thurs/Friday, plus a half-day hunt on Saturday. Good job Bob!
well guys i just got home form work at 2:15 and im gonna stay up all night and head to the woods in the morning! i figure i can deprive myself of sleep for the next 2 weeks. I've been getting a bunch of nice deer on camera so im pretty excited!
Hey guys- congrats on all the deer. I've had nothing but bad luck so far.The biggest buck I've seen has been a 4 point while everyone I hunt with is seeing big bucks. Even my son has seen a big one and this is his first year bowhunting! My truck broke down causing me to miss a weekend and then I go and catch the flu! I think you could write a country song out of my season so far.
The good thing mathews is that the good time to be in the woods is now! Best of luck to you and everyone else the next few days. I predict some great action in the next 4-5 days.