Passed a buck that I normally would not for my area...a 2.5 year old 7-8 point, maybe 80-85 inches. Had him dead to rights at 5 yards broadside. Laugh all you want, but on any given year, that may be the biggest buck I see. Dang it! But it felt good to let him walk, hopefully he will make it to next year.
I just couldn't pul the trigger He was a cool looking deer, but I really hope he makes it to next year. Maybe he will be 100+ inches and the kind of deer I am looking for these days in my area.
Well the weird East winds continue today. I am heading into to hunt a spot I picked off a topo, where I think bucks might be cruising. BEST of luck to all of you guys. Brett
I was not able to make it into the stand at all this past weekend because my Dad decided I needed to get rid of my current car, a 97 Honda accord with 167,000 miles, and get a different car with lower miles. The car search kept me from getting any hunts in, but I am relatively happy still with the updated 2002 Monte Carlo SS that I am driving now! I will be able to get several hunts in this upcoming weekend though. The prime time is getting closer and closer!
well guys last night i saw a nice 3.5 10 point last night but he just wasn't willing to come in when i grunted at him. Ive also been getting lots of pictures so its starting to get good! plus next thursday i think i will be sick so i wont be able to go to work....darn so ill be out alll day! good luck everyone
Rattled a little tonight and a doe come check it out....hahaha. A Rosie O'donell type of female deer! I will be hunting mid-day on Thursday, all day Friday, and a half day Saturday.
Hunted last night for the 1st time since my Incident with the big boy, felt good to be In the woods! Saw 8 doe's and fawns, not a buck around.
Well as you know from my post..I whacked a doe yesterday and saw 10 total, 1 being a smallish 8 point. I was away for a while as I went to Arizona for an interview. My best stand is still waiting on it's first sit! Should be within the next week. I can Hunt Weds eve...and it's tempting to give it a shot based on the chasing I've seen recently....Hmm I think I should still hold out for a few days..opinions? PS I need a wind from the W or WNW for this stand..which should be pretty common this time of year.
Gr8--first off, good luck with your job opportunity. I am glad the winds are starting to shift to the N and NW. Our October winds this year have been really weird. East winds, SE winds, South winds...crazy. The temps are still remaining high in the mid-60's and do not look to be dropping until early next week. That is when I am going to move in on my best stand locations. I need those temps to drop so I can be "assured" that a big boy will be on his feet before I spoil the area at all. I want to make the first time count if at all possible. I really hope you get onto a nice buck here in the next week or so. Brett
my buddy killed a 11 pointer tonite 171/2 wide. id say he would go in the upper 150's! he got him following a doe. This got me so pumped so i wont be getting much sleep for a while since i dont get home till after 2 and gotta be in the woods by 630 but hopefully it'll be worth it! good luck everyone, this is what we've been waiting for
Awesome!!!! Yesterday I checked my trail cam that's on a mock scrape, had 4 different bucks Investigate It (two 1.5 year olds, one 2.5, one 3.5 year old. The 3.5 was maybe 115 to 118, not quite big enough. What ticked me off the most was the 2.5 year old had a terrible rack for being his age. He actually should be taken out.
It is time to get hot here over the next week guys....rain is ending, leaves are falling, temps are dropping.....CAN YOU DIG IT?!!!!!
Well this morning I went out and saw 3 deer. One was a very old and weary doe with a nose so long you'da thought she was Pinocchio. The wind was gusting and she was very hesitant the whole time I saw her. I sure wish I had another doe tag for the season, because she would have been a great trophy. She offered me a very brief 15 yard shot. I also saw two different 8-pointers, my first bucks of the year. One was half decent sized and I would guess to be a 2.5 y/o 110" buck or so. In a few years he should be a heck of a buck because he has great tine length. It was pretty cool watching him tend to his ground scrapes, and he jumped the fence just 5 yards to the left of my stand. The other 8-pointer was just a basketrack, and has a lot of maturing to do if he's going to tempt me into shooting him.
Good news Brandon. I am happy you are onto some bucks. I had a rough morning. My gps went haywire in the complete darkness and I missed my spot which is like a half-mile walk. The clouds and the storms reaked havoc on the satellites...ahhhh! I will be back at it from Monday-Saturday this upcoming week, averaging about 6-7 hours a day in the stand! Bring it!
Good luck Brett! I wish I could have a whole week of hunting but school won't permit it . I do have a whole week off for thanksgiving break, but unfortunately it's right after our first shotgun season so the deer will be so spooked they won't know what to do. It appears as though I have two weekends to try and get it done... otherwise it will be a lot more challenging after shotgun season.
Had a great evening hunt tonight!! I sat on the stand that I wounded the big boy from, 2nd sit of the year on this stand. So far It's proved nothing but good results. Saw 3 different bucks and 9 doe's and fawns. 2 of the bucks were 1.5 year olds, both were chasing doe's constantly the last 1.5 hours tonight. Right as I was going to get down I heard a grunt and and some thrashing going on south of me 40 yards or so. I'm guessing he was either making a scrape or making a rub or both. He came by me at about 18 yards. I could see the body just fine but the rack was tougher to make out. I know he wasn't the same buck I wounded, he wasn't wide enough and not quite as tall. He had some decent length from the looks of It, probably a 130" or so buck and I'm thinking he's a 3.5 year old going by the size of his body. He's an above average 3.5 for my area, most 3.5's here go 120" give or take. Not sure If It was even legal shooting time, I elected not to shoot being I wasn't 100% positive on his size of rack. His body was easy to see though, I easily could've shot. I have a mock scrape set up here where I'm hunting with a camera aimed at It, the SOB took the trail where the last doe had walked otherwise he would've walked right In front of the camera. He missed the camera by about 10 feet. Would've been neat to show you guys the buck, oh well I guess. Their starting to chase everyone, It's almost here!!
Alright guys, Schultzy said is on! Eat your wheaties, stop drinking your paps blue ribbon, and pick up your dang bows and hunt!