Backwoods Bowhunters (Team 15) Well ladies and gentlemen, looks like we finally have our team. I can't wait to get this underway. Bowhunting is just around the corner here in WI. Catch ya on the flip. Ryan
Team 15: Schultzy virginiashadow Gr8atta2d shrek the bowhunter Beagle001 huntwi88 Brandon8807 Mathewshooter Here's our sign-in. I am struggling to figure out how to bold my name lol new fandangled technology
Checking In!! Hey there neighbor!! If you want to bold out a name hit the B after you highlight the words you want bolded out. Good luck to you this fall!!
Alright thanks schultzy. And ain't it funny you and me got on the same team Paul? I never thought I'd see the day. Maybe it'll make us luckier
OK Fellas the Attitudes here.... Let's kick it. Time to show the rest of these posers how to do it, old school!
Team 15: Schultzy virginiashadow Gr8atta2d shrek the bowhunter Beagle001 huntwi88 Brandon8807 Mathewshooter Where are you guys? Got an idea for our team Name and Avatar. Just an idea since a lot of you guys are from up North. A little mountain man look and feel.
Hmmm ...since we have Schultzy we need a play on Hogans Heros's Maybe Hogans Hunters or Hunting Hero's .... Here's an Avatar now someone put a hunting hat on him...I nominate Schultzy for Captain
I like backwoods bowhunters.......and virginiashadow i agrre a nice big ol doe in september sound real good!
88, lets go get em in September! Schultzy- have you dropped off the face of the earth? Hope everything is ok with you buddy. Brett ps...we have 3 guys that have not checked in over a week.
yeah just gotta figure out how to get em on here..... it think im gonna have to get a photobucket cuz the other way just wont work for me