No luck for me this weekend, slow on saturday and got Rain RAIN RAIN on Sunday. Today is clearing, I am going to give it a try this afternoon. Neal
Good luck neal, I haven't been out yet(since the 10th anyway) but I'm planning an evening sit tomorrow. The base I'm hunting in NC only allows hunting Tues, Thurs, and Sat so it kind of limits what I can do in NC. I have some promising looking game lands I've recently foundin NC but realistically I probably won't bowhunt them til next season. VA season will be here soon though and i'm looking forward to that, taking my son out this Saturday for VA youth day.
Good news today, I have that lease about a half hour from where I live, but today I got the final go ahead to hunt the country club here in town. Deer everywhere.
Leavin tomorrow after work to go down to the property until monday night. Love how understanding my wife is when season comes around, her words, "don't come home without some roasts" lol. Well, I'll do my best to get us on the board. Some rain in the forecast but I think it will be alright. Talk to you guys Monday. Jud
First sit of the season will be Sunday morning. Checked the trail cam last night... another 800 pics in a week. Hopefully I can get us on the board with a doe Sunday! Good luck to everyone else going this weekend!
Hot humid weather here still, saw a couple on Tuesday evening, a little 4 point and an even smaller doe. Won't get out again to bowhunt til next Tuesday and the weather is still supposed to suck but hopefully I'll get a volunteer. We're taking my son and his friend hunting tomorrow for VA's Youth Hunting Day so hopefully we'll see some and it would be even cooler if he gets a shot. My sons using a .243 and has been shooting quite a bit at 50-75-100 yards. He's hunted with me a ton and last year he had quite a few encounters but never got a shot off(shotgun hunting) but he's feeling pretty confindent with his rifle so we'll see how it goes. Any other VA guys youth hunting tomorrow? Good luck to you other fellas that are hunting this weekend! Somebody is gonna break the ice for us soon!
well first day out tomorrow morning. yes i finally got some deer on my camera. couple of does on the 17th, 15 yds from our stand. so I'll let you all know tomorrow morning if i connect. see ya!
Well, nothing out on the first morning cold enuf to see your breath, which was nice way to start out the season. won't be able to hunti till next week. Got a Lt exam this week that I'm studying for. good luck to everyone else. I might have a new place to check out, guy at work say alot of deer there,not many huntin that area right now.
Weather man says its going to be in the 30's and 40's this weekend for the season opener...should be a great time to be stuck up in a tree
Hey guys...I took a doe this morning at about 12 yards. Saw a couple bucks, one was a 10 or 11 pointer but I passed. He was borderline of being a shooter. I regretted not taking the shot once he got out of range but I believe I made a wise decision. Hope everyone else's season is going well. Good luck. We're on the board!
Good job Finch!! How about that weather yesterday and this morning, I don't remember an opening day that cool in a while, especially right here on the water. Congrats on the doe, we had a decent day seeing a few deer and my buddy Jimmy took a nice doe in the a.m. In the evening I saw a doe and a yearling and since the yearling wanted to hang out 10 yards from my stand I went ahead and "let the air out of her"(<< overused hunting phrase quota met). I didn't end up getting home from Eastern Shore until midnight and was called in to work at 5 this morning so when I get back home I'll post the 2 pics and get us 50 more points. I won't get out much until the last week of October so I'll be looking for a buck then. It's worth mentioning that the pics are kind of funny since the yearling is pretty tiny and I'm 260 lbs, it just felt weird taking "hero shots"(<< quota+1) with this little thing, what can I say the team comes first!! VA = Deer killing capitol of the world, i'm just sayin.