Yeah I think I will, Hopefully one of the other big boys shows up and I can let him grow one year! Can't wait to find out!
Well, part of me wants to say I hope that they do and I wish you the best. Another part wants to say how fortunate you are to have those kind of target animals. Then there's the other, jealous part of me that just wants to say "Oh shut up!" Just kidding brother. While the buck with the character would be a fantastic deer, I do hope you get a shot at "Big Surprise". Good luck!
HAHA... I definitely need to "shut up!" It's easy to talk about trail camera photos, to be honest I would just like to get footage of at least one. HA! Time to get it done guys! Saturday AM! Can't wait! Neal
Can't wait until our seasons start. We gotta get on the board. By the way, whats a guy gotta do to lose the newb tag on this site lol. Killing the largest of the 3 bucks I'm after should do it. Not too happy about the opening day forecast. Low 54 and a high of 80. They do move a lot on my property, so the 80 degrees isn't what I'm down about, I just hate the sweating and and extra worrying about scent waying down on me. Just hope the wind is in my favor that weekend. Took sat-mon off of work. Good luck on Saturday Neal, you've gotta be pumped. Hopin you put one of those big boys down, and not just because you're on team 14, I'd love to see anyone get it. Well, except team 6....and those "fuzzy bunny" dudes lol
Neal...I'd definitely take a shot at the "mangle-racked" buck. He's very unique. I've tried to edit the thread title but it does not take. When I just went back to shows my edited changes from when we chose the name but for some reason doesn't show it as the title??? Pike's post just reminded me. I would like to make sure everyone is well aware of Rule #3. People break this rule every year and I don't want it to happen to us. You may see me repost this periodically. All entries must be accompanied by a minimum of TWO (2) photos of the hunter with the deer and your archery equipment in the picture.
My real check in! Pulled my trail cam last night and couldn't be happier! Thought I would share with my team!
Heading back out with my 15 year-old son and one of his friends for a weekend of elk hunting this afternoon. Weather has cooled a lot. Should drop to mid 20's at night and mid 70's during the day. We are focused on elk, but there are some nice muleys where we are going. Talk to you guys on Monday.
Neal...I forgot about video. That works! :D Spe729: You have some good looking bucks! Hope you can get onto them. Jason: Good luck!
well season opener today & I didn't get out. just got done workin 56 hrs past couple days and threw my back out this morning. so hopefully i'll be good by next weekend. check out my post bout trail cams and get a good laugh at my 600 pics of wind & corn. good luck to anyone else out there now.
Yeah I just read that lol. You had to have been pumped up when you saw it was full. Mine starts a week from today. Good luck next weekend.
My saturday morning target! I've decided I want to take a doe immediately then focus on my buck. Even has a scar as an aiming point lol. There is another doe with a scar farther back then her. The only thing I can think of is about 20 yards from there, there is a barbwire fence that seperates us from the neighbors woods. I'm setup at a spot where the fence is down, about 3 feet wide, and 6 trails all come together at that spot.
That's a heck of a scar. Good luck with her. My plan is to take a doe ASAP as well. Still waiting on October 1st.
All entries must be accompanied by a minimum of TWO (2) photos of the hunter with the deer and your archery equipment in the picture.