I got the MR6 broadhead tuned after work. Now just waiting on the sight and I'll get it dialed in. Going have the HHA on the NoCam and the Spot-Hogg Hunter 5 pin on the MR6. That way if I get frustrated with the slider I just have to pickup the other bow. Getting excited to sit in a tree!!
Working the 6pm-6am shift is getting pretty old lately and to keep myself busy on nights like this I walk around outside with my range finder and try to guess distances to different objects. I just stepped outside to go for my nightly walk and the temp is at 59......fall is coming and this just got me even more pumped up!
I'm thinking of going with a heavier hunting arrows this year. Currently looking at the Easton FMJ's. Anybody have any feedback on these arrows? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I just bought some Easton FMJs a few weeks ago and love them so far. If you aren't familiar with the HIT inserts, look into them and watch a YouTube video on how to install them to make sure you feel comfortable. That's the only thing about the FMJs that I was clueless on and had to familiarize myself with. I used to shoot Beman but these FMJs are the best of both worlds when it comes to steady flight, hard hit, and passthrough.
Been shooting the fmjs for 2 years and have shot 3 deer all clean pass threws and are incredibly accurate! My arrow total weight is at 450gr and hammers anything it hits. I really am glad I switched.
Shot FMJ's for years and love 'em! I've killed a ton of woodchucks, squirrels, turkey and deer with 'em. Last year I purchased a new bow and installed a React sight to it. With my low poundage (bad... very bad, left shoulder) the pins on the sight bottomed out, so in order to effectively utilize the entire range of the sight, I went with a new set-up this year (see signature). We'll see how it goes. If I find the new set-up not so much to my liking (in the killing department)... I'll probably sell my React sight and purchase a simple 3-pin one; then go back to the FMJ arrows.
I'm the minority here....I shoot light arrows....like 320 gr hunting weight. Kilt a pile of critters with em.
FMJ are a great choice. I decided to switch back to Goldtip this year though. Once my Carbon Express arrows are gone it will be all GoldTip. Why? They just have so many options for customizing the arrow. I can get inserts of 50 grains or 100 grains and then even add weights to those if I want to increase over all weight. With FMJs you can't go wrong. I have heard very little negative feedback on them and was really close to going that direction myself.
I shoot Easton Axis 340's. I don't know what my arrow weighs because I don't care. It gets the job done and it does it well. I shoot a 100 gr fixed blade Magnus stinger.
Do you guys hunt more big woods or smaller parcels with agriculture? I have mainly hunted a small piece of property that is 12 acres about half CRP and half timber. It is bordered by large ag fields and other big timber. My Dad and I have killed 10 of the 11 of our bucks within 2.5 miles of this wood. The kicker is the state park is just on the other side of the road. In the past we had permission on three sides of the state park and small parcels. We many focus on one property now and have plenty of food plots that draw the deer out. Together we have just under 1400 inches on the wall.
Big woods with our own food plots planted. There are no ag fields around any of our properties. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I hunt a 9 acre piece of wooded property that we were lucky enough to have an open area in the middle for a small honey hole food plot. Surrounding our property is old timber and beyond that is pastures. There's very little crop anywhere remotely close to my property so any food and minerals we provide brings the deer in from all around.
I hunt mostly small parcels and farms with small woodlots. I was thinking of hunting in the Federal Forest we have near here because some nice-sized deer have been taken there. One buddy has hunted there in the past and saw a monster... but could not get a shot. I have a cousin that has a very small parcel surrounded by several agricultural fields. I've been trying to talk him into letting me dig a small water hole on his property (because there is none really close by) - but he is still 'thinking' about that (he's not big into hunting).
Im mainly hunting ten acres of woods and right beside it is about 10 more acres of this year is soybeans and on the other side of that a big long treeline that connects to a bigger woods with a big creek along it. And im pretty sure im on the trail where they use to go back and forth from the soybeans to the 10 acres of woods where they are bedding down. Really started hunting this paticular spot last year and had alot of success seeing alot of nice bucks on camera so ive moved deeper into that 10 acres of woods so i think im in the best spot i can be in so well see!