***ENTERED*** Team 4 - Out 4 Blood Nubbing buck taken 11/14/24 50 points North Central Kansas 1640 Equipment in signature
***ENTERED*** Team 6 November 16th 2024 Shot at 8:06 a.m. Score 157 4/8 Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
***ENTERED*** Team 13 Crystal Lake 11/16/24 Shot at 7:17 Private land Score 87 Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
***ENTERED*** Team 2 - Shoot 2 Kill 130 0/8" 9 Point Buck NY Private land 11/16/24 - 1610 Mathews Traverse Victory VForce NAP Spitfire
***ENTERED*** Team 9 Bonus Buck - 50 pts Score 137 4/8 Scott County Illinois - Private Land Shot at ~1700 on Nov 15
***ENTERED*** Team 5 THE Big Toe. Bonus buck 50. 1301/8 Shot 11/21 8 am, 18 yards broadside Magnus black hornets serrazor don't play.
***ENTERED*** Team- Four Ten Pointer 11-21-24. 11:50am Hoyt Nitrux NAP spitfire xxx Texas Doe-50 Sent from my SM-A037U using Tapatalk
***ENTERED*** Team 2 144 1/8. 163lbs field dressed. Iowa private fair chase Victory VAP, G5 Deadmeat, Bowtech RealmSS, 70lb, 31” draw 11/23 8:15am Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
***ENTERED*** Team 12 11/14/24 @ 8:30 pm with a spotlight ( 4:30 pm) 127 6/8 Wisconsin Private Bowtech solution , rage chisel tip 3 blade, bloodline arrows.
***ENTERED*** Team 14 November 23 at 3:45pm, IA private 21 yd shot with Ravin R10, Grim Reaper 100 gr. GMC truck, Muck Boots, Buck Bomb, Harry's hair products for men. 180 7/8
***ENTERED*** Team 6 11/15 7:15 am recovered 11/26. Ohio Score 165 5/8 Ravin 29, swacker 100gr Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
***ENTERED*** Team 9 Lives Buck Score- 131 5/8 Shot with Crossbow 12/7/24 at 8:55am in SE Ohio. From the ground with no blind. PSE Crossbow (planned to use a recurve but I crossed paths with a loaded coal truck on Oct 21st. This was first hunt back in the woods.) G5 Megameat Broadheads
***ENTERED*** Team 13: Crystal Lake Shot on 12/6/24 @ 4:20pm SE MN public land Pse fortis 30 62# Victory vforce 350 w/ 75 grain insert G5 Dead Meat 100 grain Busted right side and lots of busted points on left beam - broke split brow and tips of 5 tines plus an inside tine. If I measured correctly it should be 69 0/8
***ENTERED*** Team 2. 12/15/2024. 8:30 am. Buck. Public land. Crossbow during muzzleloader season. 27 yards. Sub 1 crossbow. Firenocks. Equalizer . Score 114 4/8. Score breakdown added
***ENTERED*** Team 1 12/23/24 2:30 PM 137.75 Ravin R10 Having trouble getting some of my other pics showing my Xbow to upload, but you can see it in both pics. I have more that I can message try and upload if needed.