It is apparent this contest is it used to be awesome...its been a solid ride...but all good things run their course.
If anyone is "jealous" of entries in a COMPLETELY FREE internet deer contest they need their head examined. That would be about as bad as being jealous of someone married to a porn star. It's not real, boys. The only problem I see with the contest is laziness and an apparent inability to read/abide by clearly stated rules. That and sour grapes when others point out easily-avoided violations thereof.
I’ve only been here a few years so I have to ask what is dying with the contest? This forum is ran really well and there seems to be solid sportsmanship in the team threads. Maybe a little fun ribbing but it’s been a good place to be to go along with deer season. What needs to change?
I think his reference is to the fact that we used to have a lot better participation on a daily basis. Lots of side wagers, smack-talk and just more excitement in general. But, the rules have been the same for years and have always been fairly strictly enforced. They really are not complicated. This is the first year I have seen so much whining about having to follow some simple rules for a "fun" contest. Two pictures with you, your bow, and your animal. If you can't manage that, you probably should not be playing with sharp objects. There has always been whining about scores. Some guys just honestly don't have much experience scoring deer and others may feel pressure to make their buck a little bigger than it really is so they don't disappoint their team. That part usually works itself out. Pictures are not always the best indicator of what a deer really scores.
Maybe it's time to up the required post count and stop helping new members get their count up by posting one sentence in 25 post. I've seen a lot of new members join and do this only to disappear or not participate when they get put on a team.
I honestly think the more we complain the less desirable it is for one of the mods/admins to volunteer to run it. I understand the complaints, and I usually check all the requirements but rarely say anything. I have PM'ed quite a few members with missing H4 measurements or other scoring errors but always felt it was up to the team captain to govern the actual requirements. I've thought about ways to get around some of it. Only captains are allowed to submit their teams entries. Members post their photos in the team thread and the captain reviews the requirements and posts them in the entry thread when everything, including score, is met. It's going to get to the point not only does no one want to run it, but a lot of the mainstays will no longer sign up. We can be our own worst enemy. I did the right thing and had 50 points removed from our team score, not sure anyone else has done the same. In the end I don't believe anything is completely malicious, trying to alter photos isn't an accident though, and I don't recall a top or winning team ever being in one of the controversies so I generally stay silent. I could see a calling out then. The more we ***** the less desirable it becomes to all. /end rant Not directed towards anyone in particular
Omg. Team 3 will step down from the throne if it means all the poor losers will stop crying. I'll give you the free hat I got. It doesn't fit my huge Croatian head anyways...... Lol This contest is awesome. Whoever doesn't like it can go......... We need trash talk??? If your not involved in any trash talk it's cause your team is so far behind, trash talking you is like making fun of the private school football team. Everyone knows they suck. How's that for trash talking lmao.
I think Justin should make me a moderator and I'll run the contest next year. I promise to be good...I no longer have trouble with my ego, I've ascended way above that little fellow, and thanks to two years worth of therapy, the voices aren't an issue anymore either.
I think to qualify we should post a buck from each class(120,130,etc) and if the voices tell him the right one everytime im down
I think it's awesome that you guys keep winning!! It's always more fun to knock off the giant and it makes the game interesting!! I just wish everyone could/would follow the "simple" rules. That's the part that aggravates me. It even says "read this before you sign up". How much easier can it be?
VIRTUE SIGNALING ALERT: I had 2 doe entries (100) points removed from my team due to lack of pics. Made me very popular. as I was reading the rest of that post, my first reaction was to think that as a Captain that would SUCK. But then, I thought about it a bit more and actually it would not be bad and makes a lot of sense. Captains already accept a modicum of responsibility and as Captains should be one of the more active team members. Under the new rule, potential entries (including both scores and required pics) should be submitted to the the respective Team page first; and after review only Captains can post the actual entries on the scoreboard. It would be a lot less hassle than policing everybody after the fact. Also probably be easier for the Mod to score- each Captain would likely do groups of submissions like once or twice per week and it would be easier for the Mod since s/he would not have to bounce around tying to figure out who is on which team. In the event a Captain disappears from the Forum for whatever reason; the team would have the option of voting in a new/alternate Captain. Not really heavy lifting for the Captains; and actually might increase overall team participation because everyone on each team would have a say in their teammates' scoring accuracy and adherence to the rules. I like it. Also I have seen where members post directly to the scoreboard and say nothing on their team thread; which is lame and annoying for many reasons. This could increase the "team" aspect. Another plus- Captains being Captains and thereby assumingly familiar with the rules; no more annoying comments in the "Scoreboard Only" thread. No more need for the Mod to have to delete all that crap.
If a volunteer is needed to enter team scores in the future I would be willing to do it to help keep this contest rolling.
I'd support this decision, should cut down the workload of the moderator/contest scorer. I hope my post was not seen as a whining or complaining, simply just something I think could make sure we have members that want to participate in the contest. I don't care either way, I'm just happy to be apart of a great forum and fun contest. I really enjoy seeing the big deer people put up. Team 3 should be banned because they are shipping deer in from Russia. Photo evidence as proof below.