It's in the rules above. Teams are chosen on or around August 17th. If you kill a deer prior to then, snap the required pictures and hold onto them until your team is assigned. You will get credit for your kill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Once teams are drawn I will post them. Each team will make their respective team thread. That's where you can check in.
Hey Fitz there are 348 signed up right now for exactly 29 teams of 12...just sayin plus that team from last year.
Do we have to take the picture in the field or can we put it on out truck, or take it home and take the pictures there?
Doesn't have to be in the field. Of course, those always look the best if you want nice trophy pics for yourself.
Score will be based on GROSS total score using the P&Y scoring system. All measurements must be listed at time when score is posted. If anyone has any problems with scoring, please ask for help first. I'm new at this so sorry if i'm an idiot. So we basically score the deer ourself? I don't know how but my dad knows how if that is the case. So its basically an "on your honor" system. Also, where is the scorecard? where do we see current standings etc.
Yes, you will score the deer yourself. The scorecard will be up before the official start date of the competition (Sept. 1st) and there will be a link to a scoring tutorial there.
Hi Fitz New to this I do not see my name on the teams list am I looking in the correct spot. If so I am I correct that I am out untill next year Thanks Kirk