The first buck is your buck score regardless. The doe is 50, doesnt matter if you shoot it first or second.
Matt's right. Your first buck counts no matter what as your "buck score". A doe always counts as a bonus deer and can be harvested whenever. We added a clause a couple years back to allow the use of a second buck to be substituted for the bonus doe because there were a number of members that were in buck only zones. This allowed them the possibility of getting the bonus where they couldn't before.
Thanks for the reply. I still am not clear on one thing. If you kill 2 does and 0 bucks, does your team get 100 points or just 50 points?
I didn't see it listed so I guess that means we arn't doing it, but I'll ask anyway, are there any extra points for self-filming a kill like there was on the turkey contest?
Being awesome and everyone on the team has to send you free beer..... really you just keep up the teams thread and insure all entries get on the scorecard correctly
And to be the voice for your team. On occasion Fitz might ask opinions or an entry might need a vote for some reason. Instead of 350+ responses or votes only the captains participate on behalf of the team.
Not anymore but an alternates list has been started. In two weeks those who have not checked in will be replaced. Be sure to put your name on the list!
Sorry for my ignorance but I read the rules and didn't see it anywhere. If I shoot a cow elk would that count for my antlerless points?
No it wouldn't count. Probably the only way I'd get to put up 50 pts this year too. Whitetails, mulies, sitka, ect. No modifiers for scoring.
Bummer. If I shoot an elk I won't need the meat at all. Might just have to find someone who wants some deer. Thanks for answering.