I figured it's time to get the ball rolling on this..........Let's shoot for a start date of Sunday 2/1. All first week scores will be due 2/8 @ 9pm EST. - Official sign up will be on the designated thread that is pinned to the top of this forum. All sign ups must be posted on the signup thread by 1/18. - This will be a 30 arrow 300 Vegas 3 spot league that will be 7 weeks long. - We will separate into Open and Hunter classes - No lenses and no stabilizers longer than 12" in the Hunter class - No handicaps applied, we will be using actual scores for all scoring. - Each shooter is allowed 2x missed weeks during the 7 week league. Any missed weeks will be counted as a 0 with an X count of 0 for that week. Each shooter will be able to drop 2 weeks of their scores at the end of the league, so two missed weeks won't matter, we will simply drop the score of your missed weeks. - Rounds can be shot any day of the week, but scores MUST be posted on the official scores thread NO LATER than Sunday @ 9:00pm EST. Scores must be submitted in the following format - You may cut and paste this below and then reformat with your score #'s each week: 30 - 2x 28 - 1x 29 - 1x 30 - 3x 28 - 1x 27 - 0x 30 - 3x 29 - 2x 29 - 2x 30 - 1x _______ _______ 146 - 9x 144 - 6x Total - 290 - 15x - While I will always encourage discussion, please no discussion in the scoring threads. Please open another thread for any discussion. This makes it much easier for me to sort through and calculate scores and averages. :d - X’s will be used as tie breakers only. - Photos of the target are not required with your score, but we reserve the right to request said photo. Failure to comply will result in a ZERO score. Save those targets! - If you truly do not have the financial means available, or the ability to order targets for this competition please feel free to contact me privately. I will ensure that you have targets to use. I don't want anyone to not participate because they don't have targets or the ability to order them. Do this ASAP so that I can ensure time to get these to you before things start. For everyone else, targets can be bought from right here on www.bowhunting.com. Justin will have these in stock anytime now, and he will share with us when you can begin to order. I would suggest if you plan to shoot the league, to order at least 10 targets and more if you plan to practice. Justin will also have target cubes or bags to pin these on if you are in need of a quality target butt to pin these target faces on. - Where you shoot your round doesn't matter, but official Vegas style 3 spot targets MUST be used. - If you are not shooting at an indoor range facility, you must be shooting from a MEASURED 20 yard distance. This must be done with the use of either a tape measure or laser rangefinder. - Vegas 3 spot targets are scored as 10X, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 0. You only have to touch the higher scoring line with your arrow shaft to count the higher point. Please refer to the following diagram to see how these targets are scored. *******Please no cheating******* I am very limited in how I can regulate cheating. Please know that this league is supposed to be fun and that I really hope to introduce new people to the sport of target archery with this league. Cheating will cause others to become discouraged and not participate and you will be directly affecting everyone involved by doing this. This is all I will say on this, so please use your conscious when submitting those scores. I have no doubt that we are all mature enough here to be honest with us and yourself. So in short: - 30 arrows - 3 arrows per end - 10 ends per game - 300