I mentioned on here that I was given permission to hunt a 560 acre section of private ground right by my place. Well, I was given the key to the gate today and was told that I was the only person who would be hunting it. I took my ebike and did some light scouting. At first I was disappointed. Almost the entire place has had timber harvested in the past and it’s all very thick young trees. Unless there is an opening it’s practically unhuntable. There are roads all over it so I went riding. It wasn’t long before I was excited. First, there is a year round spring-fed stream running through it. Second, almost everywhere I looked on the road there was sign. I stopped counting scrapes at 25 or 26. There were good rubs all over. There were trails that looked like cattle trails but the deer hoof prints were thick. There are plenty of young oak trees that are producing acorns, so this big parcel has everything the deer need on it. The rocky roads are tough to navigate on the bike but they’re manageable. I only rode about 1 1/2 miles of the roads and marked quite a few spots where I feel confident I can kill deer. On the way out I ran up on a huge deer. I can’t say how big the rack was but the body was huge. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning but tomorrow afternoon I’ll be in a tree over there. It kinda sucks that almost every tree big enough to climb is a pine tree, but they’ll do. Hopefully my current drought is about to end.
My old stomping ground! My dad shot a monster doe at Mississenewa back in maybe 1990? I know I was not in high school yet. She rolled down a steep ravine and honestly looking back we should have quartered her out b/c I wasn't much help. She was bigger than most of the bucks he's shot. Good luck over there
Crossed my mind but I have platform blind on the property also I didn’t want to get that trashed. I’m sure I’ll run into who ever it is eventually.
Idk… neck isnt filled out and hind end bigger than front shoulders but could be angle of photo. Hes on the Mississippi river. The genetics there are known for thick racks. Could go either way.
My hunting buddy's daughter got a big doe tonight during WI youth gun hunt weekend. I'd post the pic but it's weird to post pics of other people's kids. Nice long face nanny that probably would have ruined a few hunts for me by picking me off in the stand. Good job, kid!
Chief I have had similar cutovers like that to hunt in the past. Seemed like every fork in the logging trail had a scrape in it. Sounds like you got a honey hole to me.
Out this morning in the woods looking for a birthday present Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I've had several hunts like that, but I keep my glass half full, hoping/believing the pre rut/rut will change that. Two more weeks and things should be heating up nicely.