Another cold morning. No deer moving but at least the squirrels are running around which is an improvement over the past few morning sits.
I head back to work on Friday, debating if I go down tonight with high winds, or wait for tomorrow where the wind will die down but switching directions that I will have to change my set up.
Light snow coming down now, supposed to end by 3pm. Going to be heading south soon! Still plenty of snow on the ground down there
I did the same thing. I cleaned out my truck, nice to have it clean. I went through all my hunting clothes. Washed and took care of all my "deer hunting only" clothes. A buddy and I are going to head out rabbit hunting tomorrow after work for 2.5 hours. Saturday I will go and cut up a tree that fell into the field to help the farmer out....and get some fire wood. I've got to button down my permanent blind and take down my pop up blind. I feel like I moved a lot of stands last spring, but I have to move around 4 this winter/spring. I might put up another 1. The corn came down super early this year. It affected deer movement....have to take that into account to stand location. Next Sept I hope to go bow hunting for elk, never have done it before. I have to get a different set up for them. This gives me something new to do the next 8 months. The cycle continues. Always something to do. I love it!!! Good luck to those who continue to hunt.
Got about 5 minutes from home and decided the roads were not in good enough condition for me to drive the hour to Maryland. Set up in PA at my gunclub, have had a good bit of movement on camera here in the evenings, and had some come through this morning in daylight, hope they are moving here before dark
Ended up seeing 7 doe, all out of range, was not expecting to see that many deer, I thought I would be lucky to see one!!
That was a nice view, jealous, wish I was in NJ this weekend. My cameras have snow on them, but also not to many deer. I should get back down the last weekend of January, if their aren't any storms. I really think I'm gonna go hunt some public and bait heavy. This may be selfish but I don't want to shoot any shed Bucks or prego Doe on my farm. Still trying to get the population back up. It's either that or I sit the farm and only shoot antlered Bucks.
Deer were moving last night and this morning. In the field across from my kids' school I saw 12 last night on the way to a basketball game and 8 this morning.
I would think almost all does are pregnant. How would you know if one was not pregnant before you gut her?