Im up. Completely covered in snow and tracks everywhere. Sitting in a pine forest, boarding a cattail marsh. This should be interesting.
Been scouting with @Jezzy670 for the last couple of hours. We spotted and stalked into a buck and two does about an hour ago. I had one of the does at 30 with no shot through the brush. Came to full draw, she didn’t have a clue I was there. The other doe had a broken leg. They busted us right before @Jezzy670 could kill her. Came in to the food plot to check my ground blind. Snow had collapsed it, cleared it off and I am going to set here for the last 90 minutes of daylight. I cleared four spot of snow in the food plot at 20-25 yards. Apparently, these Arkansas deer do not know how to dig through snow. There were five does in the plot when we got here, browsing on the brush around the edges. Hopefully more come back. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sorry it wasn't live guys, but I went out for the first time since I got my buck 64 days ago. Had success with a nice big doe.