After yesterday mornings frigid hunt I decided I was not going back out until it warmed up. It’s 10 degrees out there now and the ice on the trees hasn’t even begun to melt. We have snow coming in tonight and tomorrow. After that the temps are supposed to come up a bit with highs around 40. Season closes here on the 15th so I’ll have a few days with snow on the ground to end the season. On another note, one of my good bucks made it through gun season. He showed back up on camera on my property yesterday. Looks like he took some damage in a fight. I hope he makes it through the winter.
Great looking buck! Appears pretty symmetrical. Maybe you can find one of his sheds? He'll be something to look forward to next year. The time of day is interesting.
I am headed out this afternoon. I'll try to be sitting down by 3.45. Shooting time is about 5.55. There are a ton of deer here. They come out of a 20 acre piece of woods. I cannot go into the woods to recover, so I need to wait for them to out a bit before I shoot them and hope they don't make it back into the woods. Looking to shoot 2 or 3 does.
Just had 35 of them run past at 400 yards. Don't know what spooked them. Hoping a few stragglers remain in the woods.
I bought my last bow in 2017 I believe. Thinking of maybe getting something like this bc of my work discount. Blackout Bow NV-3. Two guys from the store shoot it and like it. Any of you shot one?
Never heard of it but I just looked it up, made by elite. I like the specs 33” ata, 6” brace and 340 IBO. Shoot it and see what ya think, elite makes killer bows. I have an era and love it.
A doe and fawn did come out... ...the doe will feed some happy friends of mine. 7 more came out while I was gutting her. Saw about 50 total tonight- that's a bunch of deer.
Those are good specs. I bought a Blackout a couple years ago on a whim to go on a impulse mulie hunt, Shoots good, fast but loud. But it was made by Bear.
We have had some high winds the past three days. That finally is breaking today, I’ll be heading down to Maryland around noon for an evening sit. Getting down to my last few sits so really hoping to stack one more in the freezer!!
This would be quite the wake up...
Well, the managed hunt didn't pan out the way I had hoped before our Son's hockey started back up. There's one last shot if I can take off the afternoon of the 15th for an evening sit. The buck I've been after has been back by there checking things out so hopefully I can swing that. Good Luck, everyone!!