After yesterday mornings frigid hunt I decided I was not going back out until it warmed up. It’s 10 degrees out there now and the ice on the trees hasn’t even begun to melt. We have snow coming in tonight and tomorrow. After that the temps are supposed to come up a bit with highs around 40. Season closes here on the 15th so I’ll have a few days with snow on the ground to end the season. On another note, one of my good bucks made it through gun season. He showed back up on camera on my property yesterday. Looks like he took some damage in a fight. I hope he makes it through the winter.
Great looking buck! Appears pretty symetrical. Maybe you can find one of his sheds? He'll be something to look forward to next year.
I am headed out this afternoon. I'll try to be sitting down by 3.45. Shooting time is about 5.55. There are a ton of deer here. They come out of a 20 acre piece of woods. I cannot go into the woods to recover, so I need to wait for them to out a bit before I shoot them and hope they don't make it back into the woods. Looking to shoot 2 or 3 does.