I mentioned this before, but I do believe the "variable" aspect of "light and variable" winds accounted for me not seeing the number of deer I had anticipated seeing this season, especially considering I was hunting from a natural ground blind all season. I think I was spooking deer I wasn't even aware were in the immediate area. This could well have included my target 8pt!
I wouldn't use Ozonics if they were giving them away. I have enough stuff to carry as it is. FWIW... I watched a video of a guy using Ozonics in his blind, and a BIG buck walked directly in front of him at close range, and that buck turned inside out after getting dude's scent. Dude said, "well, it doesn't always work".
I ended up seeing 12 deer this morning. I got back on stand at 2:00 and I’ve seen 6 does and fawns already. I just need a good buck to show up before dark. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Out for the extended antlerless season with my 2 sons. Oldest is about 150 yds away. Youngest and I are in tree stand. Fresh couple inches snow yesterday and last night. 22 deg.
Out with my middle son for the last couple of hours of daylight. We had to rush after the wrestling tournament, he took 2nd for his first podium finish. My oldest is sitting by himself about 500 yards away. Hopefully, one or both of them kill a deer tonight. If not we will be back out tomorrow afternoon after the rain quits. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
We went 1 for 2 tonight. My oldest filled his second buck tag, making the first in the family to fill both in the same season and kill a paritally shed buck, little fork on the left, freshly shed on the right. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My youngest son shot a nice sized doe. Had 8 doe and fawn come in. He was patient and waited for a good shot on a mature doe. He was able to use his new Ruger 77/44 mag he got from his grandparents for Christmas as well. My oldest saw 2 deer about 100 yds out but to many trees to get a good shot.
Some may call me crazy for being out this morning. It was reading -2 degrees when I walked out this morning. The wind has finally died and it’s bearable. I just saw my first deer, a fawn. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk