Today is the absolute last chance at a doe. The winds are blowing, the ground is white and it is still snowing. Yesterdays attempt and walk home in the rain had me awake ALL night rattling up a lung. Meds be damned. I have a few hours to think hard about it
Going over to feed and water chickens was my test. The ensuing coughing jag was my fail. The winds have dbled since so it's a done deal for the end of my season. Knowing full well the cam will show snow deer well before dark.
So much for hunting on a day off. Crime at work and a hunt day turned into a work day. Criminals man...
Last day off beforw going back to work. Went and set out a couple of ground blinds for my older boys for the last youth rifle weekend in a couple of days. Decided to bring my youngest with me and sit in one for the last few hours of light. Maybe a ground sit will change my luck for the season. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Kids today, can’t handle a New Year’s Eve party like I could in my day. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Just had three does on the other side of the food plot. I don’t think they liked the blind. About 40 minutes left. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Neighbors decided today was the day they all needed to target practice. Other than the turkeys, evening sit was a bust…and so was my season.