Back to work for me too. I'll be heading back to Ohio on Friday. Calling for a lot colder weather and some snow. That's great deer hunting weather.
Back to work for a couple days, then hunt for a couple sits. Temps drop hard so I'm hoping they move mid week. Temps get terribly cold next week. 16 days til season close.
Going out this evening, gonna nock the rust off. 20* temp drop from yesterday. 15mph wind, I’m gonna sneak into a killing tree tight to bedding.
Big doe , normally when seeing a deer " over step" their tracks it's a doe track not buck. That's what I learned a long time ago. I took our 4H club to a DEC held deer tracking seminar.
Sara and I are doing a NJ ground blind hunt. Looking to get her first deer. Caleb is doing his first solo tree stand hunt.
Pains me to type this, but I just passed a big doe. We’re having people over for NYE so it’s buck only tonight.
After almost a week of not hunting because of rain and things to get done I’m finally back in a tree. I have a good feeling about this spot in the mornings.
When you get older you think of random things. That doe I killed a few weeks ago. I wore a big late season jacket my mom got me like 30yrs ago. I've kept it all this time and hadn't used it in prob a decade. Thanks mom!
After you mentioned this, I went back and watched a few of my cam videos in slow motion. FWIW I actually saw both does and bucks "over step" their tracks. It's something I never payed much attention to, but it is interesting to watch.