Here’s me thinking I’ll get a doe easy. Had 9 does all within 30yds at the same time. Not going to lie I just sat here and said nope not even going to try.
Nothing moved here this morning dad got down at 9:30 and did a mini drive to me, kicked up 3 little does that went by at 50, heading home, hopefully get after it Friday maybe
That's about how many I saw all season. I find it interesting how bucks often get back into bachelor groups after the rut, much like they do during the summer. Any idea why this might be?
Horse trails on public.... Do deer use them the same as they would old logging roads or 4 wheeler trails?
I know the deer use the same trail that I started to get to my natural ground blind. I hear folks say they see deer turn inside out when they cross the trail they just walked in on, but I've watched deer in that same situation not bothered in the slightest, bucks included. Maybe because I wear rubber boots?
On the private I had been hunting I walked the same trails the deer did. 4 wheeler trails. Whether they were used to human scent as a result or just preferred the ease of travel is beyond me, but we walked the same trail regardless. Horse trails can have a bit more challenge to them. Up and down hills, rocky transitions and creek crossings a bit unorthodox. Human aspect of the "fun" ride rather than an animals natural instinct to "keep it simple stupid". I'm sure there are areas where both coexist, and others where a deer would opt to seek an easier corridor. I'm throwing darts at the wall bass ackwards hoping something sticks this year. Haven't killed a deer since 2021, I'm all in for late season.
In my case, I think both might be true. Being in a State Park and used to human scent, plus the ease of travel, since I cleared the trail.
And, same to you as well. I hope everyone has a safe, and happy Holiday Season. Pa's late archery season opens the day after Christmas, for those hardcore's who aren't bothered by the cold. Good luck!
Deer are lazy and will take the path of least resistance, they just like the security of cover to travel in daylight more times than not.
Just scored the deer at 147 5/8. Definitely bigger than I expected. Have a good Xmas everyone. I’ll be back out on the 26th.
Dang, that’s a great buck. Those pics are deceptive, seemed like they were zoomed out like a pano. Way to get it done man!