Well. 7hrs after the shot we jumped him and he ran up a hill and jumped a fence. Deer are incredible creatures. My wife feels pretty sick about it but I told her the best thing to do is get back out and try again. Again I appreciate the help.
Whatever it was I heard kept going on the other side of the road. The wind is all over the place. Not good.
Been dealing with a head cold for 4 days and haven’t been able to sleep at all. Laid on the couch today and watched this film. Lee might be the best free range whitetail hunter there is right now. Highly recommend if you have 2 1/2hrs to watch. I thought it was incredible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's a MONSTER buck! I've watched that young man's videos before. He does his homework. He's the real deal!
Well as you see I had buck infront of me. A 4pt, spike and the half rack. I Darn near shot the spike because his spikes lined up perfect with his ears and the half rack was chasing him. Well 1/2 rack is a bully and chased both the smaller buck off. A fun hunt until ...my 5:10 alarm buzzed and I stepped out of blind. To see a fat doe with fawns and other doe farther up. She was again broad side in tree line 25 yrds...killed the blind once again. There is a reason for years I've said getting doe here is a big trophy.
Think I have a head cold myself..work ain't fun at all today. I need to drink some beer and mix in some Tinks 69 as an elixir.
Got the perfect deer tonight for the smoker. 4:05 was the time of the shot. 4:30 I was loaded up headed home. Todd just for you.
IMO, a matriarch doe is every bit as wary and hard to kill as a mature buck, maybe even more so. Because, a mature doe, who doesn't miss a trick, has raised and looked out for her offspring over the years. A mature buck has only had to look out for his own azz over the years.
Late season is hard, so you accomplished a lot. Great work! Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ok Looocy, let me 'splain this to y'all and you can tell me what you think. I knew of a spot that was close to bedding that funneled into a corn field. I had a camera down there before harvest and was getting quite a few pics with some good bucks. I didn't have a stand there though. Once the corn was picked, the camera pretty much went silent so I went down there and moved it. Well with the recent cold weather and the rut pretty much wound down, I figured they might be using it again. So this afternoon I went and moved a camera back down there and sat in a tree seat until dark. I saw one deer just as I was getting ready to leave. I couldn't tell what it was but it moved off and started blowing. One thing I should say about this location is that it's a low spot between bedding and the ag field. Even the field is very low in that place. I did consider that factor before I sat there but there was a pretty stiff SW wind which is very favorable for that spot. So I don't know if the deer that blew at me caught some movement or if the thermals betrayed me. Anyway, after I left the camera lit up. It sent me pics of probably 10 does and several small bucks all going to the picked corn. So given the wind and everything do y'all think it was the thermals that betrayed me? Cause if it was I don't know how I'll be able to hunt this spot. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk