Ditto when we have inclined weather. Swampy edges also usually have green briar that they'll eat (early when tender or in a storm of they don't have better options). I hate green briar and inevitably find my self caught up in it many times a year...thotns are worse than most roses...
Wild rose is the killer where I hunt. I hate that stuff, but the deer seem to love it, despite the thorns.
I don’t really know. Since I wasn’t going to shoot him I was paying attention to keeping him in the camera frame.
I’m going to sit for another half hour or so before I get down. There’s no rush. I’m very curious though. It sure looked like she was wounded on her left shoulder.
Congratulations brother! That’s gotta feel good! Sent from my iPhone using ]][emoji[emoji6]]]Bowhunting.com Forums
8 pt buck led me right to her....I wouldn't have found her without jumping that buck...one lung and paunch.