Pulled out the 600gr thinsulate hunting boots and all settled in. Unfortunately the winds kicked up. Here's to hope.
Wife and I have been set up for a bit. Last hour. I hope they move early. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just a few doe. Winds are suppose to be nuking next couple days we’ll play it by ear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Honest to God I was half frozen when they showed up in the slashigs above pines (second pic), 15 mins before close. The lead fawns got down wind and squirrelly. I picked the only opening I thought Mom would enter it was getting darker as I waited. She finally moved in and stopped. As I fired I felt my fore arm drop. Slug hit 1 1/2 ft past her foot prints. No fir no blood a clean swirl and run. No rest in that stand and the wait was too long I guess. That and I had shoveled the drive, turn arounds and area around garage.
Heading to the stand. It’s low 30s going to mid 40s. Then tomorrow it’s back in the teens. Yesterday I seen about 20 does total. Good luck everyone!!