Nothing for me, that stand has been cold this year it usually produces something. Back out in the morning.
I'm out too. Saw no deer, except the lone doe I spooked 10yrds from my blind on the way in. But, I did see two unattended thoroughbred horses walking down the busy road that borders the woods I hunt. Honestly! I heard what I though was the faint sound of hooves on the street, which I thought was odd. Then I see cars slowing down/stopping for what I thought would be deer crossing the road. It wouldn't have been the first time that's happened. Then I see these two big, beautiful horses casually walking down the road like it's nobody's business. Thankfully, the drivers had the sense not to blow their horns, which would have no doubt spooked them. That could have made for an ugly scene. But, they kept walking with a line of cars behind them until they were out of my sight. There are stables in the immediate area, so they got loose somehow. Never a dull moment in my deer woods.
Ribs still hurting after two weeks. Man, I thought I was being a weak old son of gun when I fell two weeks ago. Only one thing to do....shoot a buck in the ribs.
Ribs are very sensitive, and usually very painful when bruised. They take a good while to heal. I'm just glad you weren't injured worse than you were. Count your blessings.
I did a quick assessment check while dangling from 18 feet. Immediately felt a goat kick in my ribs. lol....Patted myself phone fell out of my jacket pocket. Would have been a bad day if I were stuck and couldn't get to a phone. Took me a minute to get my bearing. Ha
Pssst....... We're 50 now. Remember back in highschool how old a 50 year old was? Yeah, that's us now. We're basically like that wing nut you tried to give an extra 1/4 turn and it started spinning freely Be careful man, injuries come easier and healing takes longer.
I’m all settled in got soaked on the way in rain is stopping now going to be warm this morning low of 57 but maybe the deer will be moving had to skin an quarter up 2 last night for a buddy of mine that wasn’t sure how to so maybe I got a little of his luck lol good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I might do a little scout/hunt Thursday morning. Supposed to be cold here finally. I have some trails to investigate after all I've observed on my new spot. Funny how it gets so quiet on this thread right when the hunting gets good here.
Wait a minute, what's around that deers neck? Did it hang itself because it heard Johnny was in the area?!?!? Congrats on the doe. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk