Got the doe processed that was more than I bargained for. Didn’t even have time for beer. Skinned the deer, ran all the meat through the grinder twice and made 83 hamburger patties. Wrapped and packaged 77 of them. Those fresh ones were delicious. Advil before bed. I want to hunt in the am but I left the garage a mess.
I’m setup for the morning in the spot that had all the activity Saturday see what today brings good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good luck out there everyone!! I’m sidelined the next two days for work, but I’ll be getting after it on Wednesday!
Good luck all. I'm headed out to process buck before warm up. Fridge and coolers ready for quartering. My hands can take only so much at a time. Besides the big deydrator comes out and jerky cutting and marinading starts. Yesterday I did a perimiter walk to check for tracks before snow melts, Human. What I found was rubs, many big and small, all within yrds of most os my stands and blinds I walked past. Lol for not seeing many deer even on cam, this is the most rubbing I've seen in many a year.
Just shot a doe, sun coming up. Everything all frosted, doesn’t get much better. Hunting till 10:30/11. Passed a decent buck at first light, hoping for a good one to come by!
I’ve been up since 6:05 and the sun is just starting to rise. Nice crisp morning at 25 degrees. Nothing moving yet but I’m hopeful. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Them deer ought to know by now, you ain't playin! Congrats on another doe! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Just had a doe come in should have shot her started blowing and acting stupid hoping there was a buck with her but no luck. Congrats Suncrest Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good work Suncrest. Keep killing morning killer. Off to two days of work. Have I made mention this will be the last season I ever have a job where I only get one day off work most times? Nope, done after this fall. HA
Decided to go hunt my farm this morning. Hadn't be back in here since they logged it last winter. Got the 308 with me. View from my camp chair overlooking one of the big hollers