Logging road is tore up with multiple big scrapes. Was going to go down the hill a little farther but decided to stay where the sign is. Pretty sure i bumped a buck coming in.
Been setup a little while waiting on it to get daylight and stop raining almost took the morning off the rain didn’t push out like they said be about a hour hopefully we’ll see if anything shows up good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm out here. Supposed to start raining around 0930 or so. I hope they're wrong........as usual. Good luck everyone. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Im in the same boat. Ive been kicking tires for a few years and always talk myself out of it. Its time though. The elite E32 has taken a beating. Im rough on my gear.
So the more the coyotes carried on the more my roosters crowed escalating the situations.Until.... Out the door I went headed straight for them as hubby was yelled No! Well there's angry and mad. I was hopping mad up and dressed since 4:30..My season. Screwed by everything and it's brother. I was just hustling down that drive doing my best growl,snarl loud and clear. I went all the way to the blind cam .checked it and went home. Not another sound from yotes. 5:30 I headed out and sit here in gypsy blind. Wanted ridge blind but was hearing rustling over the ridge. Think I saw a deercl in hay field. Hard to see, I do have 2 squirrel running around
Yep a buck chasing a doe with fawn in tow. The fawn stayed out in open for a long time. All 1/4 mile away went right to middle of pines again. There is something interesting in those pine right there this year. May explain all the new posted signs...hhhmmmm
Three does at about 75yds. And it looks as if the rain will start in the next 40 minutes or so Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Turns out there were 5 in that last group, all does and fawns. They worked their way past me and I think they bedded in a dead fall about 40 yds from me. I saw them go in there but not out. I've had deer bed there before. Wind is picking up and the temp is dropping Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Doe down in Illinois! 33yds not a great shot. As the other deer in the field spooked her, quartering away, she skipped or took a few steps forward as I released the arrow, so it went from lower lungs to aortic artery just above the back hind quarter and 3 inches below the spine. She balled out, died within 30 yds, but down a 30 ft ravine, had to gut her at the bottom and drag her up and out myself, so no pics. I was beat! She is in the cooler and going to the processor today. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm heading out now, I'll sit until dark. I need to at least see my target buck again, even if I don't get a shot at him. You gotta play to win!
I'm currently back at the car. It's supposed to rain for the next couple of hours. I'm debating on whether to drive into town and get lunch and then come back or just head home Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
if anyone is looking for a 3D target, this isnt a bad deal ... Ive got one now, and just ordered another ... a Christmas present to ones self .. ;0) . free shipping https://www.bigshottargets.com/coll...ets/products/pro-hunter-double-duty-buck-blem hopefully I'll be back out Sat. weather permitting .. Id love to be out RIGHT NOW(or tomorrow) ... over cast, very light snow coming, dropping temps ... now this is more like deer weather rather than damn 60+ temps for Nov. .. good luck out there ..
Looks like I'll be able to get to NJ tomorrow! Can't wait. Will be looking for a Buck on the farm in the afternoons and Buck or Doe in the mornings at the County Park.