Lot of deer final 15-30 minutes. Decent buck on our access road 200yds away. Didn’t shoot because the neighbors box blind was behind it by 300yds. Heading to my brothers tonight and changing from the 6.5 to the muzzleloader. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing for me didn’t see a deer all day it’s gotta get better Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
The ground sit was no bueno. Had a doe walk past me at 2 yds. Thought i was in the clear but she decided to stop for a bite to eat at 5 yds away. Didnt take her long to spot me. After she blew it set off the biggest chain reaction domino effect of blowing you could ever imagine. I must have had 12 deer all blowing. I finally just stood up and threw my arms in the air and waved at them.
I almost had me another buck tonight. Right at last light he came trotting down the hill right by me, but I couldn’t stop him in time. And when I did, I just didn’t like the shot. Looked like a nice eight or 10, not as big as yesterday’s, but I still would’ve shot him. Oh well, my trip is over, but I’ll be back for some long weekends. Good luck out there
Shot my PB right at 1700. Doe can and grunt tube brought him in. He was across the creek, worked a scrape. Gave him one last grunt. He started coming in and hoped he’d cross the creek. He turned broadside inside 20 yards and double lunged him. He went 20 more yards and made it up the opposite creek face before he tumbled backwards into the creek. waiting on my wife’s uncle to help me get him out of this creek.
Alright! Glad some of us are killing! I love when the brows curve out like that. I have one ive been trying to kill for couple years like that
We're home. Saw a 4 pt, 6 pt, and a couple does. One doe came in to around 90 yards but wouldn't close. Sent from my SM-S908U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Finally caught up from the day. Hunted this morning for the gun opener in MI. My son shot his first deer this morning. Got home. Skinned 1/4 it and then took my daughter out hunting. She shot a spike but looked low brisket hit. We bumped him while tracking and he didn’t look like he was doing too bad. Blood dried up. Probably go take another look in the morning