I appreciate the kind words everyone, Thanks. It was already after 4 o’clock, and I didn’t have high hopes. I was trying to look at a couple of deer that were way off in this little field with my rangefinder, when I heard a twig break to my left. When I look, he’s already at about 40 yards and coming in hot. He’s going to pass me at about 30 on my downwind side, and I have zero shooting lanes. I had a few seconds to grab my bow, hook on my release and try to pick a spot. I had one little opening between little trees, gave him a grunt, and he stopped. High double lung, went about 75 yards. I’m convinced another couple steps, he would have smelled me and ran right out of his skin and out of my life! I still have tomorrow to try and bag a doe or another buck. Let’s goooooo! Good luck all