I appreciate the kind words everyone, Thanks. It was already after 4 o’clock, and I didn’t have high hopes. I was trying to look at a couple of deer that were way off in this little field with my rangefinder, when I heard a twig break to my left. When I look, he’s already at about 40 yards and coming in hot. He’s going to pass me at about 30 on my downwind side, and I have zero shooting lanes. I had a few seconds to grab my bow, hook on my release and try to pick a spot. I had one little opening between little trees, gave him a grunt, and he stopped. High double lung, went about 75 yards. I’m convinced another couple steps, he would have smelled me and ran right out of his skin and out of my life! I still have tomorrow to try and bag a doe or another buck. Let’s goooooo! Good luck all
All set up in Maryland and ready to rock and roll! Didn’t even need my alarm this morning as my son decided to wake up at 2:30… atleast I was able to get him back down and the wife could keep sleeping! In a different tree than I have been the past several days, moved about 35 yards to where I’m in the center of most of the action I’ve seen… fully prepared for them to be under the previous tree
VT is a one Buck state, soooo I'll be out with the Remington 7400 30-06 today looking for a Bear or Coyotes. Bear season is open till November 24. Early season I will bow hunt them over apples, but all the apples are gone. So chances are any Bear I see will be 50-150yds, so rifle it is. Coyotes are open year round and I've had a few coming to the VT Archery Buck carcass. Not happy with the Coyotes, pretty sure they ate two of my cats. Good luck everyone!!
Heading back… last day of first archery.. tomorrow the guns come out and everything changes Good luck everyone and stay safe! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Im after an 8 myself this am. Not as Stud as Freds but my buddy laid eyes on him yesterday. Hes still hanging around an area i know well so here goes nothing!
Second time ive done this! Missed my exit and theres construction so no turnaround for 12 miles. This just put me 30 min behind ill be climbing tree right at shooting light
Had a weird thing this morning. I have to walk through a swamp to get to my stand, the swamp is dried up now. Anyway I step off the road and immediately see two eyes reflecting in my headlamp light. It's a pretty large doe that was bedded just inside the swamp. She stands there for a few moments and then just walks off. I keep going to where my stand is and I continue to see her just in front of me but always maintaining about a 20yd distance. I finally get into the woods and she's still doing the same thing, only now there are two deer. They never seemed to spook and run away they just kept a distance. I finally got to my stand and I don't see them anymore since I turned my light off. It just seemed weird to me that they never freaked out Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Been in a blind in the middle of picked corn since 5; light about 7. Out with 450 today. I hope to hear lots of shooting. Good luck LFTS. Little buck by me.
Live From a dead fall w my '06, already have deer moving but too dark to see them. First shot just went off in the distance. Exactly 30 minutes before sunup, guess it was legal! Lmao
Someone just went dnoodles at a deer w a semi auto. 5 quick shots. They must be moving good this AM, hearing a ton of shots for a non weekend opening day, and we're only about 15 minutes in.