Couple more does and a fawn. Heard some grunting near dark never got to see what it was. Should be back out tomorrow night. Rain and snow up until stand time with a high of 39. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No bucks today after 10 hours, but did see three doe. One of them, a big doe, bedded about 60yrds from me for two hours! I had to be especially careful not to spook her, because I thought she might have a buck with her that I couldn't see. That was not the case. Still haven't seen a shooter yet, but I have at least seen deer on my last 6 hunts, which is great for my woods. I was proud of myself getting in this morning without a light with the almost new moon. Gives it that eerie feeling, especially with tomorrow being Halloween. After all these years, I've yet to kill a buck on Halloween. Maybe I can change that tomorrow.
Ok, this is getting ridiculous. This guy came by my stand 15 minutes after I left! Insane!! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
He has you patterned. Time to make a change he can’t see coming. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
At least you’re getting pictures of bucks! He’s going to mess up in the next day or 2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Very interesting evening sit. Started raining pretty steady about an hour after I settled in. Temperature dropped from around 70 to 49 At 4:30 a 10 point came across the cut corn and was heading right to me. At about 60 yards he turned and headed into the thick stuff. He was cruising. Then about 20 minutes before last light I had a really nice big bodied 10 point coming down the edge of the corn. I was all set to draw but he took a turn and headed in the same thick stuff the other buck did. I think it’s starting to happen
Does Does Does And not a buck to be seen. Would've shot one tonight but every time she was broadside there was another doe right behind her. Only got one doe tag so didn't want to chance a BOGO big rain moving in at 5a-10a, I'm going to sleep in then head out for a post- storm all day sit
Good luck to everyone out today! I'm set up in south carolina! 50 right now but will be 80 by noon. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
Good luck out there this morning. I'm stuck at work today but will be headed back to Ohio tomorrow morning.
Well first encounter was fun! Just wish he would have presented me a shot! Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk